Main myths and facts about donating blood

by time news

2023-04-24 20:00:02

There are practices that manage to save lives and one of the most important is the blood donation. Although a negative aspect is that some countries like Mexico have an average that is too low. One of the causes is the fear and ignorance of a large part of the population due to the myths that have been generated. Many of them have persisted for years and now it’s time to put an end to the misinformation.

Side effect of the Covid-19 pandemic

Similarly, recently there has been a significant decline due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Since then, many people have been afraid to go to any health unit because they consider that they are dangerous places, although in reality this is not the case.

Just to get an idea of ​​the impact, within the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS) there was a 60 percent decrease in the uptake of this vital liquid during 2021. With this in mind, there are more and more myths about donating blood that need to be eradicated.

However, in Mexico only 3 to 5 percent of blood donors are volunteers. This is the lowest figure in Latin America, despite the fact that thanks to the transfusion, cases of emergencies, accidents or programmed operations are attended, such as childbirth, neurosurgery, transplants, and cancer patients are supported, among others. The reasons for not donating range from non-compliance with the requirements to misinformation about the process and its implications.

There are several myths about donating blood and what this noble practice really means. For this reason, Dr. Oscar Zalazar Ramírez, a hematologist registered with the platform of Doctoraliaclarifies some of the most common.

Mito: If I donate blood I’m going to get weak.
TRUE: the blood is replaced in a few hours by taking the same amount of fluids and resting.

Mito: it will cause me anemia.
TRUE: donating blood does not bring any harm to health. In fact, by doing so, you stimulate the production of new blood cells and blood flow is improved.

Mito: I could get infected with HIV.
TRUE: all the material used in the collection is sterile and disposable.

Mito: I am too old to donate.
TRUE: If you are in good health, you can continue donating until you are 65 years old.

Mito: It is impossible for me to donate because I have tattoos and piercings.
TRUE: You can donate if it’s been at least a year since your last tattoo or piercing.

Who really can’t donate blood?

All people with any of the following characteristics:

  • Having severe cavities, due to the risk of transmitting bacterial infections.
  • Presence of fats in the blood (lipaemia).
  • People with uncompensated diabetes or hypertension or without medical treatment.
  • Those who suffer from cardiac, renal, neurological, respiratory or hematological conditions.
  • Those who have suffered from hepatitis after the age of twelve.
  • Those who use intravenous drugs or have more than one sexual partner.
  • Carriers of HIV, syphilis, hepatitis B and C, HTLV, Chagas disease or other blood-borne infection.

#Main #myths #facts #donating #blood

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