Discover How to Get Rid of a Cold Faster: Medications and Home Remedies Such as Chicken Soup, Ginger Tea, and Quark Wraps to Help Combat Cold Symptoms like Sore throat, Headache, and Body aches. Learn How to Boost Your Immune System, Control Cough & Fever, and Find Relief with Essential Oils, Sage Tea, and Paracetamol. Find Out How to Stay Hydrated and Keep Your Mucous Membranes Healthy with Airing, Water Bowls, and Steam Inhalations.

by time news

2023-04-24 08:41:31

A cold gets the body on fire – and not in a pleasant way. The so-called flu infection is reflected in various regions. feel sick cold symptoms such as a sore throat, headache and body aches, and the nose runs and becomes blocked after a while.

The latter, like the cough that develops, is a sign that the immune system is running at full speed and is fighting viruses. In the vast majority of cases, a cold is over within around nine days.

But those affected can also help to get rid of a cold quickly. By what means, we reveal here.

What medications can I use to get rid of a cold faster?

The solution offers cold guide, which points out that the right remedy depends on the symptoms of the common cold. Here is also the tip not to wait too long before resorting to home remedies.

Since several symptoms often appear at the same time, medicine speaks of a multi-symptom complex. In these cases, combination preparations with at least two active ingredients are recommended. It is always important to consult your doctor or pharmacist.

In addition, these options are mentioned:

  • if headaches and sore throats occur at the same time, the active ingredients paracetamol (can reduce fever thanks to its pain-relieving properties) and phenylephrine (decongests the nasal mucosa) could help – these can be found in “GeloProsed powder” (do not take for more than three days at a time)
  • Mucolytic agents such as “GeloMyrtol forte”, which frees the upper and lower respiratory tract, help against unpleasant accumulation of secretions in the nose
  • if the fever is to be reduced, it is advisable to consult the doctor, because not every preparation is suitable for every patient

Pain as a result of a cold, for example in the ears, can Ibuprofen, Paracetamol and Co. are defeated – before taking the doctor should be asked about the tolerability.

What home remedies can I use to get rid of a cold faster?

Here, too, he knows each other cold guide out of. He emphasizes that it is “important to drink a lot to get rid of a cold quickly”. Special cold teas such as sage, camomile or elderflower tea are mentioned as examples.

Even during meals, people with a cold can successfully defy the disease. For example with:

  • Chili (promotes blood circulation in the mucous membranes in the respiratory tract and clears the nose again thanks to its expectorant effect)
  • Honey (soothes mucous membranes in the throat and has an antibacterial effect) – but not in hot milk (health-promoting ingredients are lost when heated) or for children under the age of one (bacteria could germinate in the intestine and produce muscle-crippling toxins)
  • Chicken soup (protein cysteine ​​reduces mucous membranes)
  • onion juice

According to the cold guide these delicious home remedies:

  • Ginger tea (from China): The tuber strengthens the immune system, prevents colds and has an analgesic and expectorant effect
  • Tea tree oil (from Australia): anti-inflammatory and disinfectant effect
  • Garlic As clove or syrup (from Russia): tuber strengthens the immune system, antimicrobial effect thanks to the ingredient allicin
  • Sea buckthorn berries as juice (from Tibet): strengthens the immune system, one tablespoon each is recommended with a meal in the morning, at noon and in the evening

Steam inhalations can also help, for which there are special additives with essential oils in drugstores or pharmacies. Caution: Essential oils should not be used on infants and small children, as otherwise the mucous membranes can become too irritated, which can result in shortness of breath. It is also not recommended for asthmatics and allergy sufferers.

A warm full bath at 35 to 38 degrees water temperature for 20 minutes can work wonders. However, not with “colds with a runny nose and cough or infections that are accompanied by fever”, because in these cases the circulatory system should not be put under additional strain.

As a further tip he mentions cold guide wraps and envelopes. About this one:

  • Calf wrap made of two layers, if possible made of linen and cotton: soak linen in lukewarm water and wrap around calf, cover with cotton cloth (this way cool wetness is kept on the body)
  • Quark wraps against inflammation and pain: apply room-warm quark to a cloth and wrap it around your neck
  • cool neck wraps against sore throats absorb body heat
  • Warm compresses: Mash two or three hot potatoes on a linen cloth, wrap in a scarf and place around your neck for 15 minutes

In addition, sufficient humidity is generally important, especially in winter. Tips here are regular airing and bowls of water on the heater.

#medicines #home #remedies

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