how to prevent and act if it occurs

by time news

2023-04-25 19:24:51

We are enjoying a month of April with warmer temperatures than normal for the dates in which we are, but as of this Tuesday, the heat will be of an exceptionally high intensity, reaching almost 40ºC in some parts of Spain for the first time this year.

This situation is due to “the arrival of a mass of very warm air from low latitudes that will travel across North Africa” ​​before reaching Spain, according to Rubén del Campo, spokesman for the State Meteorological Agency (Aemet), reports Servimedia.

The African heat peak will arrive on Thursday and Friday, with “temperatures typical of the end of June”, when the values ​​could be between 10 and 15ºC above normal for this time of year, and even 15 to 20ºC more than the usual in points of the interior of Andalusia, Murcia and the east of Castilla-La Mancha.

Faced with this unusual thermal episode, it is advisable to follow some Tips to prevent the dreaded heat stroke, such as avoiding the street in the central hours of the day, those with the highest incidence of sun, not making prolonged physical efforts and drinking water, even if we do not feel thirsty. You have to be especially careful with the elderly and children, who are the most vulnerable groups.

  • Drink more liquids (water, isotonic drinks or juices), slightly cold, avoiding alcohol and hot drinks.

  • Mediterranean-type diet rich in vegetables, vegetables, cold soups, avoiding very hot meals and alcoholic beverages.

  • Avoid doing physical activities and sports at extreme hours (never between 12:00 and 19:00).

  • Avoid prolonged exposure to the sun, frequently seeking shade or protecting yourself with a cap, hat or even a wet scarf.

  • Wear clothing with natural fabrics (cotton…), light and loose, in light colors.

  • Rest in the shade or in a ventilated or well-conditioned space.

  • Use cooler rooms in the house and try to lower blinds and close windows during the day, opening them at night to ventilate.

  • Monitor the people most at risk: the elderly, children under 4 years of age and patients with chronic diseases (hypertension, diabetes, heart disease, obesity…).

  • If you park the car, do not forget animals, children or the elderly inside without opening the windows, even for a short period of time.

Heat stroke is an increase in body temperature, generated as a result of prolonged exposure to the sun, high temperatures, lack of hydration, or prolonged physical effort in these extreme conditions. This causes significant water losses, so the body has difficulty regulating its temperature through sweating. When the body reaches a temperature of more than 40 °C, for periods of 10 or 15 minutes, these heat-regulating mechanisms are overwhelmed and go into shock, producing heat stroke.

It is essential to know the symptoms to react in time: Fever over 39ºC, sometimes resistant to treatment and maintained, general malaise, intense headache, feeling of exhaustion, dry, very hot and red skin, nausea or vomiting, instability when walking and even, if the picture is very intense, seizures or coma.

How to act

In the event of suffering a heat stroke, the affected person must be placed in a shady place, remove clothing to air him out and put cold water cloths in armpits, forehead and chest. If he is conscious, rehydrate him with water or isotonic drinks, slightly elevating his head. Once you feel better, you should go to a health center or hospital for an assessment.

If the person is unconscious, call 112. You have to place it in a safety position (lying on its side and with legs bent) and put cold water cloths on the front, armpits and chest, they advise from Semergen.

#prevent #act #occurs

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