Elections 2023: Meet the candidates for mayor of Antigua Guatemala

by time news

2023-04-25 22:00:00

One of the biggest tourist attractions in the country is the city of Antigua Guatemala, Sacatepéquez, and political parties are already running candidates to run the municipality.

Until today, the Registry of Citizens of the Supreme Electoral Tribunal (TSE) has authorized the registration of the municipal corporations of five parties politicians.

He Matches Let’s Go will run in the elections with Diana Geraldina Vivar Amado As a candidate for mayor, the Movement for the Liberation of the Peoples (MLP) applied to Xiomara Virginia Martinez Pappa de Peralta; Meanwhile he match all will be the group with which the current mayor chief, Victor Hugo del Pozo CoronadoHe will seek his re-election.

Furthermore, the grouping CABAL proposed Carlos René Aguilar López and the game Voluntad Opportunidad y Solidaridad (VOS) proposed Julio Ixcamey Velásquez.

Who are the candidates?

1. Victor Hugo del Pozo Coronado (All Party)

of the crowned well he became mayor of Antigua Guatemala for the first time in 1996 with the civic committee Cambio para Tskin; Three years later, del Pozo won again in 1999 with the Cambio de Antigua civic committee.

In addition, del Pozo is the current mayor of the commune, participating for the All Party, with the same group with which seeks re-election in the current electoral process.

2. Diana Geraldina Vivar Amado (Let’s Party)

Diana Geraldina Vivar Amado She is a doctor, who served as a representative of former mayor Adolfo Vivar in the audits carried out by the Comptroller General of Accounts (CGC) in 2012. In addition, she ran as a candidate for mayor in 2015, but failed to integrate the commune.

The party candidate Let’s go In the 2023 elections, she is the daughter of the former mayor of Antigua, Adolfo Vivar, and Sandra Amado, both convicted of money laundering from the commune.

According to the accusation of the MP against Vivar and Amado, they were sentenced, along with other members of the municipal corporation of Antigua between 2008 and 2012 for the diversion of Q25 million of municipal funds.

3. Xiomara Virginia Ramírez Pappa de Peralta (MLP Party)

Martinez Pappa de Peralta, the representative of the MLP, is the President of the Community Development Council (COCODE).

In addition, the candidate, prior to directing the COCODE, as a representative of a group of neighbors, took legal action against the Framework Agreement for Cooperation between the Municipality and the Neighborhood Association for the Sustainable Development of the Panchoy Valley (Adepanchoy).

4. Julio Ixcamey Velásquez (VOS Party)

Ixcamey Velasquez He belonged to the National Unity of Hope (UNE) party, with which he managed to win his seat in the Congress of the Republic in the last two legislatures and from where the highest position he held was as chairman of the Committee on National Security Affairs between 2021 and 2022.

After the breakdown of relations between two factions of the UNE, several congressmen formed the VOS party, which is now nominating the deputy.

5. Carlos René Aguilar López (Cabal Party)

Aguilar Lopezwho participated in 2015 as a candidate for mayor of Antigua with the Renewed Democratic Liberty Party (Lider).

In the 2019 elections, Aguilar López also participated as a candidate for UNE deputy and now seeks to reach the municipality hand in hand with CABAL.

6. Eneldina Esperanza Jerez Negreros de Berducido (UNE Party)

Eneldina Jerez participates for the first time as a candidate for mayor of Antigua Guatemala for the party National Unit of Hope (UNE). In 2019, she was part of the list of deputies for the Sacatepéquez District of the Vamos party where he occupied box two.

Eneldina Jeréz de Berducido was Departmental Director of Education of Sacatepéquez and is a distinguished alumnus of the Centennial Normal Institute for Ladies “Olimpia Leal”, for her educational management, academic merits and human projection.

7. Marco Tulio Iquique Figueroa (Victory Party)

Iquique Figueroa He is a native of San Pedro Las Huertas, Antigua Guatemala and it is the second time he has run for mayor of Antigua. In the 2019 elections he ran with the Humanist party, while in the 2023 General Elections he ran with the victory party.

8. Ignacio Waldemar Ochoa Asencio (Live Party)

ochoa asencio who seeks the mayoralty with the party Vision with Values ​​(Viva) He has studies in Philosophy and Theology at the Central American University-UCA in Nicaragua and at the UCA in El Salvador. In 1996 he was a fellow at Boston University where he studied Medical Anthropology and three years later he studied for his second Master’s in Latin American Studies and Cultural Anthropology at San Diego State University. He has also been a professor of Political Science at the University of San Diego and Rafael Landívar. In more than 40 years, he has dedicated himself to training political cadres and forming community leaders.

9. Francisco Luis Enrique González Villatoro (Winaq Movement Party)

Gonzalez Villatoro is running with the winaq movement. He was a deputy in the period 1996-2000 for the Partido de Avanzada Nacional (PAN). He is a lawyer and notary public and is a member of the board of directors of the Obras Sociales del Santo Hermano Pedro.

10. Juan Manuel Asturias Sueiras (Future Civic Committee)

Sueiras Asturias He is a business administrator and in 2023 he participates again with a Civic Electoral Committee. In the current elections he does it with he future committee, while in 2019 he did so with the Cambio por la Antigua committee, when he obtained 3,438 votes, ranking second. “We managed to break paradigms and thanks to the trust he encouraged us to continue monitoring and proposing. Antigua must be rescued,” he asserts.

11. María Eugenia Contreras Mejía (Blue Party)

Contreras Mejia is the candidate for blue party and was a councilor of the municipality of Antigua Guatemala during the period 2016-2020. She is a Lawyer and Notary. She is also a legal adviser for several state institutions. “Every four years there are offers that are not fulfilled. The last few years the struggle has been intense,” she says, referring to the multiple legal actions she has filed against the current administration.

12. Maynor Estuardo Estrada Rosales – Seed Movement Party

Rosales Road is the candidate for mayor of Antigua Guatemala del Seed Movement. He is an agricultural engineer with a master’s degree in Agricultural Economics. he was councilor of La Antigua Guatemala during the period 1999-2003. For 26 years he worked at the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, FAO. He has taught for 17 years in the Faculties of Agronomy at the Universities of San Carlos, Del Valle and Rafael Landívar.

13. Leonel Horacio Gordillo Gramajo (Citizen Prosperity Party)

Leonel Gordillo33 years old, is the party’s candidate Citizen Prosperity. He is a lawyer and notary graduated from the University of San Carlos de Guatemala (USAC). He also has two master’s degrees, one in Constitutional Law and the other in Administration and Public Management. He promises that he has the youngest payroll, which shows the interest of the young in changing the Old.

14. Víctor Hugo González Maldonado (My Family Party)

Victor Hugo Gonzalez He identifies himself as a businessman and it is the first time that he has sought the municipal chair to change the course of Antigua Guatemala with the party My family. He also assures that he was a migrant due to the lack of opportunities in Guatemala. Thirty years ago he returned to Antigua Guatemala where he built a hospital.

15. Match Change

Participate with a form after the TSE declared the mayoral candidacy vacant

#Elections #Meet #candidates #mayor #Antigua #Guatemala

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