Ukraine plans attacks on Russian military in Syria – VP News – ‘no talk’

by time news

2023-04-25 23:03:34

The “Strategic Culture” source on the documents published in the Washington Post (see here: who reveal the Ukrainian plan to bring the war to Syria as well (in the form of attacks and support for anti-government radicals, including through the Kurds):

Here is the almost complete text:

UA new series of “leaked” secret documents published by the Washington Post has brought unexpected information about a large-scale operation against Russian forces in Syria prepared by the head of the Main Intelligence Directorate of Ukraine (GUR) of the Ministry of Defense, Kirill Budanov , on behalf of V. Zelensky.
K. Budanov, who is behind all the recent terrorist attacks in Russia and the liberated territories, declined to comment on the WP’s request, but did not deny the authenticity of the information provided.

Controlling and directing every stage of the GUR, the US intelligence services detailed to the country’s leadership in a document marked HCS-P (received from Ukrainian agents) describing how Kiev planned an operation to open a “second front” against Russia in Syria. The goal was to force Moscow not only to return the forces partially transferred to Ukraine to Syria, but also to add new reinforcements, weakening the Russian potential involved in the conflict.

Representatives of the CIA and RUMO accredited to the Main Intelligence Directorate do not write about their role in planning this adventure, but it is difficult even remotely to think that in Syria – without US support – Ukraine could have prepared anything type.

According to the graphs and diagrams given in the document, the highest priority in the developed plan was given to the attack on the “key Russian object”, which meant the Khmeimim air base. The next most important point was the Russian Navy logistics center in Tartus. It was assumed that specially delivered air and surface drones to Syria, which had already been used in attacks on ships of the Black Sea Fleet, should be used to strike. It was also planned to attack Syria’s “oil and gas infrastructure”, in particular the Jihar gas plant, allegedly associated with the Wagner group near the city of Palmyra. To solve these problems, it was proposed to use a “group 1 or 2 UAV” according to the classification of the US Department of Defense.

It is easy to understand that if these plans are implemented, significant damage would also be inflicted on the military and economy of Syria. At the same time, Ukrainian officials regarded operatives of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), the armed forces of Kurdish-controlled autonomous northeast Syria, as the main perpetrators of attacks on Russian targets (apparently at American prompting).

Last November, according to a leaked document, Ukrainian military intelligence officers identified potential logistical limitations to their plan, including “problems with intra-Kurdish border control and establishing a base of operations,” after which they attempted to maintain contacts with the SDF command. And this is where the main “hacking” happened.

The Americans say the SDF command has asked for strict assurances that their role in supporting Ukrainian operations would be kept secret. The representatives of the Kurds themselves, in particular Farhad Shami, categorically deny that they were ever ready to do anything like this.

SDF commander Mazlum Kobani

Especially at a time when Damascus is rapidly breaking the international blockade and about to return to the Arab League, and the Russian contingent still firmly holds its positions in Syria, it would be suicidal for the Kurds to entangle themselves in such an “overseas campaign”. of Kiev. Yes, and the Americans, increasingly weak in the Middle East, seem to them less and less reliable allies. This is evidenced by this “leak” which in itself undermines the reputation of the Kurds. On the contrary, news of the availability of constructive agreements with Bashar al-Assad is arriving from Kurdish Rojava.

Therefore, the Kurdish-led Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria (AANES) released a statement reaffirming its commitment to the territorial integrity of Syria and said it was ready to “meet and engage in dialogue with the Syrian government and all Syrian parties for consultations and discussions in order to propose initiatives to find a solution to the Syrian crisis”. At the same time, Kurdish leaders have even renounced their dependence on the West, stressing that “the solution to the Syrian crisis should be sought within the country”. According to Al-Monitor, a pan-Arab publication, these remarks were clearly aimed at Assad, who during his latest visit to the Kremlin accused the Kurds of “working for a foreign power” and called them “traitors” and “collaborators”. Apparently, something is really starting to get to them.

Hopes that the United States would continue to support Rojava have proved futile. The White House has made clear to the Kurds that it intends to continue deploying about 1,000 US special forces in northeastern Syria until the end of the current mandate.

Washington’s diplomatic engagement with AANES and its interest in Syria in general has steadily declined since the outbreak of conflict in Ukraine. Badran Kiya Kurd, foreign minister of the Kurdish-led de facto administration, admitted in an exclusive interview with Al-Monitor that the conflict in Ukraine, combined with Arab support for Assad, has changed the tables. “We want inter-Syrian dialogue”.

Thus, the joint US-Ukrainian search for a “scapegoat” for their intrigues in Syria has so far failed. The cited document states that disappointed, Zelensky at the end of last year ordered to suspend the “Syrian operation”. Another factor that would have weakened his interest in this area could be the “comparative successes” of Ukrainian military intelligence operations in Russia.

However, the same document shows that at the end of January of this year the preparation of the Syrian operation by the Ukrainians was still going on.


What is truly unique about all this is how Syria is not taken into consideration in the slightest by the Ukrainian leadership, to the point of making an attack on the soil of a third country highly plausible, among other things not involved in the Ukrainian conflict.

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