JNE: ruling of the Constitutional Court violates the independence of electoral judges

by time news

2023-04-22 22:56:44

Assures the president of the JNE, Jorge Salas Arenas

The jurisdictional ruling of the Constitutional Court (TC), on the lawsuit filed by Congress against the Judiciary, violates, among others, the rights to functional independence and the full exercise of the public function of electoral judges, inasmuch as it allows are subjected to political control, assured the president of the National Elections Board (JNE), Jorge Salas Arenas.

He considered that said judgment it goes against the jurisprudential standards established by the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IACHR).

«This violation makes any possibility of internal defense illusory because no amparo against the decisions of Congress would proceed and because members of the Judiciary who decide to grant such amparo could be subject to investigation.“, he referred.

During his presentationRelevance of the independence of courts“, given in the Superior Court of Justice of Huánuco (CSJH), Salas Arenas stressed that this is a fundamental issue for democracysince judges cannot be subject to political control, but legal.

In this context, he said that Electoral justice must be independent of any other State powerbecause that is the essential guarantee that must prevail for the functions of the JNE.


In Huánuco, the president of the JNE also participated in the signing of an agreement with the CSJH aimed at developing and promoting joint activities in the academic field.referring to training in issues of electoral law and governance, among others of common interest.

The agreement, intended to allow greater efficiency and compliance in the services that both entities providewithin their respective powers, was signed by the central director of Institutional Management of the JNE, Daniel García Vásquez, and the president of the CSJH, Jaime Gerónimo de la Cruz.

Also in the morning, The JNE signed a similar agreement with the University of Huánuco with the aim of promoting academic, training and research cooperation relationswith the inclusion of academic contents that strengthen the democratic and electoral culture.

Said document, which also proposes join efforts in activities to strengthen democracy at the regional and national levelwas also signed by García Vásquez, and the rector of said house of studies, José Antonio Beraún Barrantes.

Fuente: Andean Agency

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