where is Ubisoft going? – Liberation

by time news

2023-04-26 10:29:40

For this fourth episode of the monthly video game press meeting, we try to understand why the flagship of French video games seems a little lost at the moment, and we wonder about the role of the press in the face of the astronomical number of games that come out every month.

“Gâchette Gauche” is the monthly meeting of the video game press, in the company of Canard PC, Video Games Magazine et JV Le Magas part of Silence we play!, you podcast from Release.

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The principle of “Left Trigger” is to meet to discuss topics that affect video games in general and their media treatment in particular, live on Twitch, once a month. This week, we try to understand the current situation of Ubisoft, flagship of French video games, which seems a bit lost when we look at its recent releases and, secondly, we wonder about our position in the face of the growing number of released on all platforms.

“Gâchette Gauche” is hosted by Erwan Cario, with Julie Le Baron, editor-in-chief of Canard PC, Kévin Bitterlin, editor-in-chief of JV Le Mag and Raphaël Lucas, editor-in-chief of Jeux Vidéo Magazine.

#Ubisoft #Liberation

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