The Cycle Now Dance! It will once again direct the gaze of the dance community to Seville

by time news

2023-04-26 01:21:04

A new edition of the cycle will take place on May 4, 11, 18 and 25 Now Dance! In it CICUS Center for Cultural Initiatives of the University of Seville. Over the years, this cycle has managed to direct the dance community of this country to the capital of Andalusia. More if possible, since he himself has established himself as a member of the Red Acieloabierto.

On the other hand, for the second consecutive year, we will have danceberia within the schedule on May 25, “cross-border cooperation project in the Algarve-Alentejo-Andalusia Euroregion in which the Andalusian Association of Dance Professionals (PAD), Associação Rede More and Camada Choreographic Center of Faro. In Danciberia en el Patio two short shows are exhibited, one promoted by an Andalusian company and the other by a company from the south of Portugal. This project aims to promote knowledge of dance and cooperation through the arts of movement on either side of La Raya. The third edition of Danciberia has the support of the Ministry of the Presidency of the Junta de Andalucía and the complicity of CICUS”.

Without more to add, I give way to The programing of this new edition of the Ahora Danza! Cycle:

May 4th

Inc. JESUS ​​BENZAL (Seville/Madrid)


Let’s use our body as transportation. Let’s transport our thoughts to the movement. Let’s move the idea of ​​a relationship between people, opposed at times and attracted at others.

There are always actions that create tension; to throw or not to throw, to pretend or not to pretend, to leave or not to leave, to long for or not to long for.

Open Sky Network Circuit 2023

all goodbyes seeks to establish a direct relationship between time and instant. She focuses artistic research on the body as the main channel of communication and has investigated the immediate now to reflect on what remains in the face of other actions that last only an instant. For this reason, it is intended to investigate with the body the irreversibility of now and our ability to lengthen the moment.

Inc. LAURA MORALES (Seville)

absolute premiere

A duet
A duet is a dance
A duet is like flik and flak.
We are two on a stage (one clock).
A duet is the final dance of Dirty Dancing.
Un: Denotes an element of a set
Duet: 1. m. Set of two people, animals or things
with similar characteristics or with a common function.
We can write the saddest verses tonight to explain the concept and the
skeleton of this short piece, but let’s dance.
We are going to use all the tools that we have been doing for years and millions of
of workshops to fly and do difficult things, because for that
we are from:
to fly
support us
push us
draw each other

May 11.


Premiere – version for unconventional spaces

The work focuses on the essential, on the desire to prioritize the body as an expressive spring, which is built firmly or lightly, creating its own intimacy. The thought of the singular takes us to an edge in its concretion, to the matter and vigor of an existence in its difference, of its fragile emergence and of the totality of the forces that traverse it in concise flashes of meaning. This mutating body , always open, in an intermittence where its identity is submerged in incessant movement. Choreographies that are directly related to a particular space, are the product of the search for a dialogue between the architectural elements, the internal space of the bodies and their movements. The interaction that occurs between these elements changes to the rhythm of body language within a defined space.

CHEY JURADO and JAVITO MARIO (Badajoz/Granada):

Open Sky Network Circuit 2023

The human being has lost his identity by wanting to find it outside, from here is born the wandering in an eternal cycle, made up of sand castles and labyrinths of illusions called Samsara, where the exit of this and the encounter of oneself will come from the acceptance and the end of the internal duality between the observer and the observed.

May 18


(Finalist of the Madrid Choreographic Contest 2022)

AGAIN, again, again… to reach the trance by going through the fatigue, as an act of faith.

Again contains an enigma both in its creation process, which starts from choreographic phrases constructed as pieces of an anthropological puzzle, and in its staging: a choreographic ritual where the body surrenders to the sacred, through repetition.
Again brings together for a few moments the history of our ancestors. Sensations of the here and now, more reflections from the past about those other realities, hidden from our eyes, but present in our lives. Dance, due to its philosophical connotation, more than answers, generates questions about our ancestral map and its human condition, starting from the unknown to go through our bodies with different states.

The desire and need to return to the origin, where dance becomes a shamanic meditation and whose release of emotions generates an expansive energy that envelops, accompanies and includes the viewer in each and every moment of our exciting journey. .

Cía. ERTZA (San Sebastian/Mozambique)

Open Sky Network Circuit 2023


It is said that we Westerners count time, measure it, buy it, sell it, plan it and organize it; for us it is an objective good, independent of the human being, that we use to do things, but we almost always lack it. On the other hand, in Africa time is lived, it is had, it is made; it is a subjective good and inherent to the human being, which is inhabited and almost never lacks. The fact that we are born in a specific place in the world inevitably marks the notion we have of time, and although nothing is set in stone, it will be difficult for us to get rid of that first acquired notion. Time can be lived in many ways, including being a slave to it; but what cannot be denied, and this is valid for any corner of the world, is the power that dance gives us, whatever its origin, genre or condition, to live time in an absolute present.

OTEMPODIZ (EL TIEMPO DICE) is a dance piece that analyzes the different ways we have of living time, through a combination of urban, traditional and contemporary choreographic languages.

OTEMPODIZ is the result of a bidirectional exchange and artistic creation project, which straddles Mozambique and the Basque Country, thanks to the support of the AECID, the artistic residence SORTUTAKOAK (Gipuzkoako Dantzagunea) and the ATLANTIKALDIA festival in Errenteria. A project that wants to offer a job opportunity and the basic tools to be able to function on their own in the international dance circuits, to two dancers from Maputo.

25 of May.

Andalusian project


DISTURB is an interdisciplinary project about the creative act from the perspective of movement arts and plastic arts with the aim of generating a live stage piece that directly dialogues with the space in which it takes place.

Israel Vega (plastic artist/muralist) and Carlos López (dancer) They start from their artistic languages ​​to find places of coexistence between both disciplines and generate communication codes that start from play, experience, knowledge and joint creation to develop them in a specific context: urban space.

DISTURB is something that happens between Israel, Carlos and the place. No one else interferes between the three. It is a shared moment of communion, play and concentration in the creative process. The tools are simple: colored adhesive tape, chalk, markers, paints, etc. They can vary depending on the space. But this does not matter since they are only the medium through which the materials become concrete. They are the remains of the action, the residues that reveal what happened, the deposits of the creative act. And as what they are, in the end they will be swept away.

Portuguese project


It is a piece created by João dos Santos Martins in collaboration with the dancer Adriano Vicente. It was originally created in Portuguese and Portuguese Sign Language, the two original languages ​​in Portugal. As a result of this interaction, free relationships are created between words, images, signs and gestural codes that are typical of the two languages ​​and that are difficult to translate into other languages. The premiere of the piece was in 2020 in South Korea.

In this “Choreographic Practice” it is proposed to work with a deaf artist from Seville to make a synchronized translation that goes beyond mere translation and also becomes a choreographic proposal in which gestures are related by appearance, similarity and contrast that are lived in the different states of listening, the visual and the kinetic.

#Cycle #Dance #direct #gaze #dance #community #Seville

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