“Pregnancy Cravings: Understanding the Hormonal, Psychological, and Sociocultural Factors Behind It and 3 Nutritious Snacks to Fight Them Safely”

by time news

2023-04-26 13:08:07

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But one thing is clear, cravings do not arise during pregnancy because the body lacks nutrients for the fetus. Rather, one seems altered hormonal balance to play a role. More insulin is produced during pregnancy. As a result, absorbed sugar can be transported away more quickly, blood sugar drops more frequently and more quickly – this creates cravings!

Also psychological and sociocultural factors can be an explanation for pregnancy cravings. In many societies, especially for women, there are a lot of unspoken codes of conduct. What, how much and, above all, how extensively women eat is socially learned behavior. Restraint when eating is also taught to women in this country through unspoken rules of conduct. Pregnancy is one of the few times in many women’s lives when they experience it without judgment and punishment (of men and other women) can eat, how, what and when they want. This psychological and social component is very likely to have an impact on the emergence and frequency of cravings for pregnancy.

As normal as pregnancy cravings are, the cravings can quickly lead to excessive weight gain. Depending on height and weight, it is completely normal for women to gain between 7 and 18 kilograms. Anything above that is medically considered excessive weight gain. In a US study found researchers in 2016 out that more than half of all pregnant women in the US gained excessive weight. According to the study, the reported frequency of cravings and the regularity of indulging in cravings had a significant impact on excessive weight gain.

3 good snacks that are perfect for cravings during pregnancy

Excessive weight gain during pregnancy can sometimes pose significant health risks for both mother and child. Significant changes in weight should be observed and clarified by a doctor when pregnant.

Learn more: PMS or pregnant? How to tell the difference > >

One improper diet during pregnancy can also lead to excessive weight gain. Cravings are particularly insidious when unhealthy, calorie-dense and low-protein foods are snacked on. But there is a whole range of comparatively healthy snacks that fight cravings and still fill you up for a long time.

Vegetable sticks with hummus

A few raw carrots, half a cucumber and half a pepper cut into strips and together with homemade or store-bought hummus: That’s all you need for a rich snack that provides mother and fetus with all the important nutrients.

Fiber and complex carbohydrates keep you full for a long time and provide you with energy for a long time. This prevents renewed food cravings. And best of all: The preparation time is only a few minutes.

Banana with nuts and honey

Nuts are excellent suppliers of nutrients and bring a lot of omega-3 fatty acids to the stomach. Together with a banana, nuts satisfy cravings in no time. The combination also has a lot of important folic acid, provides iron, iodine and carbohydrates. Simply cut the banana into small slices, put them in a bowl with three to four walnut kernels and drizzle with a little honey.

Energy Balls

Simply indispensable during pregnancy: Energy Balls. The little balls fill you up in an instant and last a long time. You can prepare a whole batch of delicious balls in just a few minutes. Always have a ball handy when you’re out and about. Cravings don’t stand a chance!

This is our favorite recipe for delicious energy balls > >

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