Low-Calorie Soup and 800-Calorie Shake for 20 Weeks Shows Promise in Reversing Diabetes: DiRECT Clinical Trial Results and Weight Loss as Key Factor for Preventing or Delaying Serious Complications, According to Diabetes UK-Funded Study

by time news

2023-04-26 14:04:00

Checking blood sugar by finger prick – iStock

Low-calorie soup and 800-calorie shake for 20 weeks shows promise in reversing diabetes

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Research shows that people who are seriously overweight are up to 80 times more likely to develop a type 2 health problem, so losing weight and getting rid of extra pounds is of paramount importance, according to what was published by the British “The Mirror”.

The main types of diabetes

Diabetes is a common health problem that causes blood sugar levels to go too high, i.e. the body’s inability to break down glucose levels.

There are two main types; The first occurs when the body’s immune system attacks and destroys the cells that produce insulin. The second type, which is more common, occurs when the body does not produce enough insulin, or when the body’s cells fail to react to insulin.

Serious complications

It is a serious condition that increases the risk of stroke, heart disease, high blood pressure, narrowing of blood vessels, and nerve damage. But the results of a Diabetes Relief clinical trial, referred to as DiRECT, revealed that losing weight can help control type 2 diabetes for at least five years.

Checking blood sugar by finger prick – iStock

25% for 5 years

According to the data, nearly a quarter of the participants with diabetes became quiet plateaued two years after starting a low-calorie diet and continued for three years.

These people, who lost an average of around 8.9kg in the five-year period, no longer needed to take medication to control their blood sugar levels. As such, the data suggests that losing weight — and crucially keeping it off — can aid in recovery from diabetes.

Soups and nutritional shakes

The clinical trial involved a group of participants given a low-calorie, nutrient-dense soup and shake diet, containing about 800 calories per day, for 12 to 20 weeks. This was closely monitored by a nurse or dietitian to slowly reintroduce healthy foods and maintain weight loss. Noting that any medication for type 2 diabetes and blood pressure was stopped at the start of the clinical trial and subsequently reintroduced as necessary.

No need to take medication

Interestingly, the proportion of people with a stable condition who did not need to take medication for type 2 diabetes five years after the start of the original study was more than three times that of the control group.

Evidently, remission was closely related to weight loss and – more importantly – keeping the pounds off again. The researchers said that the participants who came out of the remission period of type 2 diabetes was because they regained the weight they had lost.

Additional annual support

The researchers explained that any clinical trial participant who regained just over 2 kg during the three to five years of the study was given additional annual support consisting of reduced-calorie soup and diet shakes for a month, followed by help reintroducing meals. regular food.

Prevent or delay serious complications

The researchers noted greater improvements in blood pressure and blood sugar levels and fewer participants needing medication. Diabetes UK, which funded the study, said the findings support growing evidence that losing weight and eliminating type 2 diabetes can prevent or delay diabetes complications.

Professor Mike Lane, from the University of Glasgow, who co-led the study, said: “Type 2 diabetes causes a range of progressive and life-changing complications, particularly blindness, infections, amputations, kidney failure and heart failure.

Rapid weight loss

Professor Roy Taylor, from the University of Newcastle, who also led the study, said: “DiRECT’s five-year follow-up shows that a rapid weight loss program leads to significant weight loss in five years with low-intensity support.

“The new findings from DiRECT confirm that, for some people, it is possible to remain in a quiet plateau for at least five years,” said Dr Elizabeth Robertson, director of research at Diabetes UK. Type 2 diabetes can change [تلك الخطوة] their lives and provide them with a better chance for a healthier future. And for those who haven’t been able to recover, losing weight can lead to significant health benefits, including improved blood sugar levels and a reduced risk of serious diabetes complications such as heart attack and stroke.

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