Chinese leader Xi Jinping has stepped up his crackdown on dissidents again recently, and has successively detained some free media professionals and ordinary people who criticize the government. In this regard, senior Japanese media person Akio Yata said bluntly: “Recently, the Chinese Communist Party has arrested people everywhere. Many of my friends and old friends have been imprisoned, and my heart is very heavy. I have heard an old saying in the past, “God wants him to perish, he must first use He’s crazy’. I think the CCP has entered a kind of crazy mode under Xi Jinping.”

Yaba Akio wrote in a Facebook post that China’s Taiwan Affairs Office spokesperson Zhu Fenglian declared at a regular press conference on the 26th that she learned that Fu Cha (Li Yanhe), the editor-in-chief of Eight Banners Publishing House, “is suspected of engaging in activities that endanger national security. It is under investigation by the national security agency.” At the same time, she also announced the news that Yang Zhiyuan, a Taiwanese who was arrested in China in August last year, was accused of engaging in Taiwan independence and “suspected of secession,” and was arrested with the approval of the Wenzhou City Procuratorate.

Akio Yabata mentioned that Dong Yuyu, deputy director of the commentary department of China’s official media Guangming Daily, was also prosecuted for “espionage”. Dong Yuyu is a well-known international journalist. About a year ago, they were both taken away by the police when they were having dinner with a Japanese diplomat at a restaurant in Beijing. The Japanese diplomat was released hours later, while Dong Yuyu was only charged after a year in secret detention.

Akio Yaba pointed out that many international media described Dong Yuyu as an enlightened and reformist within the Communist Party. However, as a foreign reporter who has read Dong Yuyu’s articles for a long time, I think that Dong Yuyu’s articles are only a little more relaxed and lively compared with the party stereotypes, and they are far from being enlightened. Dong Yuyu is responsible for writing commentary articles on international news, and eating and communicating with foreigners is part of her job. Unexpectedly, he was identified as a spy because of this, which is embarrassing.

Yaba Akio continued: “I met Dong Yuyu at a dinner party when I was in Beijing, and I didn’t have any impression. But I know that according to the standards of the international community, Dong Yuyu cannot be a spy. He is the deputy director of the Guangming Daily Commentary Department, It is also impossible to grasp any important state secrets that can be leaked. Back to Fucha. In the past few days, I have seen many local media in Taiwan are still discussing whether Fucha is a CCP spy. I feel very sad.”

Yaba Akio said: “When Fucha is in prison and cannot defend himself, labeling him as a spy is unfair and unkind. I think this is chilling. The CCP will use all kinds of People who design tactics to criticize the government. The scholar Xu Zhangrun, the employee of the British Consulate General in Hong Kong, Cheng Wenjie, have all been accused of prostitution, and others have been charged with tax or corruption issues.”

Yaba Akio emphasized: “These tricks are very common and very effective. On the one hand, they can continue to detain those who criticize the government, and on the other hand, they can weaken the public’s sympathy for them. Fucha’s arrest shows that the CCP has put its Dirty hands have extended to Taiwan’s freedom of speech and freedom of the press. Taiwanese society should unite, condemn the CCP’s lawlessness, and resolutely defend Taiwan’s sovereignty and freedom. Instead of criticizing a victim there.”
