Conamed meets with INPer for patient complaints

by time news

2023-04-27 01:13:58

  • The purpose of this meeting was to lay the foundations for collaboration between both institutions to improve patient care.
  • The specialty of Gynecology and Obstetrics registers one of the highest rates of patient complaints.
  • While Conamed asks doctors to fill out the clinical file more carefully to avoid communication errors.

Mr. Juan Antonio Orozco Montoya, Deputy Legal Commissioner and in charge of dispatching the affairs of the National Commission of Medical Arbitration (Conamed), held a meeting with directors of the National Institute of Perinatology “Isidro Espinosa de los Reyes” (INPer). The maximum objective was to improve patient care to reduce constant complaints and complaints.

In this sense, one of the main risks that health professionals face is suffering a lawsuit for medical negligence. Although it seems like a distant situation, it is actually quite common. Even the slightest mistake is enough to create a conflict.

What is medical negligence?

The Conamed describes medical negligence as the neglect of precautions and care qualified as necessary. When despite having the knowledge it is not applied and harm is caused to the patient.

Naturally, no one wants to experience this type of situation, although everyone who works in a hospital or office is exposed. In fact it is estimated that the Most healthcare professionals will experience a lawsuit against them at some point in their professional career.

Conamed Seeks to Reduce Medical Malpractice Lawsuits

Based on the above, the Conamed meeting had the commitment to work closely with INPer. Everything stems from the fact that this Institute receives population with a certain degree of vulnerability due to the high number of complaints received from the specialty of Gynecology and Obstetrics.

The representatives of the Conamed They expressed that the purpose of the rapprochement of both institutions is to comply with the exercise of the population’s right to health. In addition, there is a need to make a continuous and constant effort to improve the registration of the medical act and, above all, work for the quality of care because the INPer has a high degree of recognition in the population.

Dr. Leticia De Anda Aguilar highlighted the importance of adequate record in the clinical recordgiven that, in the expert medical opinions issued by the Conamed Repeated omissions are recorded that, although they are administrative and do not affect health, the clinical record is the only proof of the proper action of the doctor and that it is necessary as an opportunity to improve the medical act.

The commitments of this work meeting were to share the observations that are identified in the cases that are presented to the Conamed. In addition, work together to have quality care processes and seek mechanisms to publicize the work of the Commission within the Institute, both to the population and to the professionals who provide medical care, as well as to seek training actions that are offer.

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#Conamed #meets #INPer #patient #complaints

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