The professions that Artificial Intelligence could transform, according to Bill Gates

by time news

2023-04-27 01:07:31

Billionaire philanthropist Bill Gates is one of the voices that in recent years has referred to the impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on society. He has revealed the scenarios that could occur due to the arrival of these models: both the good side and the not so positive side for some.

Recently, on his official page, the Microsoft co-founder published a text entitled The AI ​​era has begun, in which he questions how Artificial Intelligence is becoming a revolutionary instrument and a phenomenon that compares with the advent of computers, the internet and cell phones.

What risks are there with AI?

For the Microsoft co-founder, we must try to balance fears about the disadvantages of AI, “which are understandable and valid, with its ability to improve people’s lives.”

During the ASU + GSV Summit held this week in San Diego, United States, Bill Gates said that AI “could replace teachers in a very few years.” What could happen in a period of 18 months when chatbots are perfected to the point that teachers use them as “their assistants” and then, in about two years, they can become “language tutors”.

Gates said that global education and healthcare are two areas where there is a great need and there are not enough workers to meet them, so AI could become a powerful support tool.

The implementation of AI in education is a subject that makes the 67-year-old billionaire think. He stated that in the next five to 10 years, AI-powered software will finally deliver on the promise of revolutionizing the way people teach and learn.

He sees the outlook a little brighter with the arrival of these tools. And he gave as an example the decline in math performance in the United Statess, especially Black, Latino, and low-income students. “AI can help change that trend,” she noted.

“There are many ways AI can help teachers and administrators, including assessing a student’s understanding of a topic and advising on career planning.”

He is aware of the concern of some teachers about the use of platforms such as GPT by students to write their essays, But he sees a silver lining in this: “I’ve heard about teachers finding clever ways to incorporate technology into their work, like letting students use GPT to create a first draft that they need to customize.”

He added that “these are areas where AI can help reduce inequity if targeted properly. These should be a key focus of AI work.”

In the healthcare sector, according to him, it could improve healthcare and the medical field, because they will help healthcare workers make the most of their time by taking care of certain tasks for them, such as filing insurance claims, dealing with paperwork and write notes of a visit to the doctor.

Another use that could be given to it is in regions where doctors are scarce. “AI will help them be more productive and improve care”. And that’s not all: “they will drastically accelerate the rate of medical advances (…) There is already software that can analyze this data, infer what the pathways are, look for targets in the pathogens and design drugs accordingly.”

The tycoon was clear in stating that “market forces will not naturally produce AI products and services that help the poorest. The opposite is more likely (…) Although we shouldn’t wait for this to happenit is interesting to think if artificial intelligence would ever identify inequality and try to reduce it.

He stated that every year 5 million children under the age of 5 die from preventable causes such as diarrhea or malaria. However, “it’s hard to imagine a better use of AI than saving children’s lives.” He also spoke of another serious problem: climate change. On this, he said he was convinced that with the help of AI “the world can be made more equitable.”

On the other hand, he sent a message of tranquility. He said it’s normal for any new disruptive technology to bring some discomfort, because it raises tough questions about, for example, the workforce, the legal system, privacy, or bias. However, technological advances like AI will help empower people at work, save lives and improve education.

“I am lucky to have been involved with the PC revolution and the Internet revolution. I’m just as excited for this moment. This new technology can help people around the world improve their lives. At the same time, the world needs to set the rules of the road so that the drawbacks of artificial intelligence are far outweighed by its benefits, and so that everyone can enjoy those benefits no matter where they live or how much money they have. The AI ​​Age is full of opportunities and responsibilities,” he pointed out.

In the text cited at the beginning, Gates stated that, in general, AI, “will change the way people work, learn, travel, obtain medical care and communicate with each other. Entire industries will reorient themselves around it. Companies will distinguish themselves by how well they use it (…) I have been thinking a lot about how, in addition to helping people to be more productive, it can reduce some of the worst inequalities in the world”, he said.

more professions

in the report GPTs are GPTs: an early look at the potential labor market impact of language models published by OpenAI, the company that created the popular ChatGPT, professions related to programming and writing skills would suffer a greater impact with the advent of this type of model.

In other words, according to the research, the professions that are most likely to disappear or that some of their tasks are carried out by an AI are mathematicians, tax assessors, quantitative finance analysts, accountants and auditorsnews analysts, reporters and journalists, writers and authors, and web interface designers.

To a lesser extent, interpreters and translators, pollsters, poets and creative writers, animal scientists, and public relations would be affected.

Finally, OpenAI reported that the occupations listed in the study are those in which “we estimate that GPT and GPT-based software can save workers a significant amount of time to complete a large portion of their tasks, but it does not necessarily suggest that their tasks can be fully automated by these technologies.”

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