He will challenge before SCJN opposition deputies ‘legislative albazos’ of the 4T

by time news

2023-04-27 05:34:35

From the Chamber of Deputiesthe legislators of the National Action Party (PAN), Institutional Revolutionary Party (AT) and Party of the Democratic Revolution (PRD) will challenge before the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN) all the reforms approved in “legislative praise” of Morena during the marathon 24-hour session held on April 25 and 26 in the plenary session of San Lázaro.

Among the reforms endorsed by fast-track is the extinction of Knowledge and its transfer to IMSS-Wellness; the assignment of Mayan trend indefinitely to Army; the expansion of powers of the Secretary of National Defense (Sedena) to guarantee the airspace safety and the reform to National Assets Law to guarantee better prices in bidding for furniture and real estate in the Government.

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At a press conference, Luis Espinoza Chazarothe parliamentary leader of the PRD pointed out that the four albazos that Morena applied to various legal systems, for which reason the reforms approved and referred to the Senate so that if they are ratified by the co-legislator, they file constitutional controversies, since she said that they are all violations of the Constitution and the legislative process.

“Let me be completely frank, let me finish reading them, but at the beginning I would tell you all of them! Why, why has the legislative process been violated in each of them, opinions arrived that were not there, explanatory statements on four pages, in my life as a legislator I had never seen laws so lightly, to say the least, then We are going to review them all and, if necessary, we will challenge them all”sentenced the legislator PRD member.

On the other hand, Jorge Trianadeputy of PANstated that the four ‘bodrios’ of Morena are going to fall and that the steam approval of the reforms will resort to the SCJN.

“Morena approved four reforms with ‘legislative albazos’, avoiding paperwork. The SCJN, has been clear in its criteria, violations of the legislative process in the approval of laws, is grounds for invalidity. We are going to challenge, your four clunkers are going to fall “posted on his account Twitter.

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In response, the coordinator of the majority fraction of Morena, Ignacio Mier, pointed out that the opposition factions have the right to challenge, but assured that they acted in accordance with the law, since the waiver of procedures to approve fast-track a reform, are allowed.

“They are within their right, we have the right to legislate in accordance with what is established by law and regulation, no irregularity was committed, if they consider that dispensing with the procedures that are in the law and in the regulation should not be done Well, they promote a reform to modify the law, they are legislators, sometimes they forget that they do not have to go and yell at the other power ”, mentioned Mier.

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