“Green light for dried fruit

by time news

Little is missing Christmas and those who want to sit at the table with serenity, keeping an eye on maintaining physical shape, but above all the state of health, has many allies among the typical foods of the period. Among these, “dried fruit. A simple and healthy snack or hunger breaker that we must recover from the past tradition, with an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory action, rich in fiber and proteins that give us satiety. A panacea in days when sugars are abused. “These are the advice of Gemma Fabozzi, nutritionist of the B-Woman center for women’s health and professor of the Master in Biology of Nutrition for Human Reproduction of the Sapienza University of Rome.

According to the expert, it should be remembered that “it will certainly not be a single day of exception at the table that will affect the work done in the previous days or months following a healthy diet. Christmas or another holiday, emphasizes the nutritionist – we go out for lunch or with relatives, we can safely eat everything that is proposed by checking, perhaps, the amount of total sugars we take. This means that if we eat pasta, we will try to avoid eating fruit and panettone as well “.

Furthermore, the day after or the evening itself, “compensate not with fasting, which is harmful to our body, but by choosing foods that facilitate the functionality of our organs, especially liver detoxification. The liver, in fact – Fabozzi recalls – is the most tired organ during the extravagances of the holidays and when you overdo it especially with sweets, can be detoxified through the consumption of intelligent foods, for example a carpaccio of raw artichokes seasoned with oil and lemon (typical of this season), or herbal teas of thistle, artichoke and rosemary eaten after meals “.

“Another tip is to avoid crunching the sweets that are given to us during the day, that is to have a mid-morning or mid-afternoon snack with nougat, nougat or panettone – warns the nutritionist – It would be better to recover the healthy habit of break morning and afternoon with a snack based on dried fruit, which should not be demonized at all, but considered a real functional food, able to satiate and nourish us: it does not contain ’empty calories’, but is rich in micronutrients useful for our Finally, if we have abused sweets, try to balance ourselves with the consumption of a raw vegetable rich in water, which supports the work of our organs “.

The final message is: “You don’t get fat between Christmas and New Year, but between New Year and Christmas …. if you don’t follow the right diet. If you adopt a healthy and balanced diet in your daily life, you can eat what you want it during the holidays “, he concludes.

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