New study from IMC Krems shows CRISPR-Cas9’s potential in inhibiting adenoviruses in cell cultures with up to a 3-fold reduction of virus particles

by time news

2023-04-27 09:51:53

Scientists at IMC Krems show that CRISPR-Cas9 can also be used to inhibit viruses such as adenoviruses in cell cultures

In fact, we managed to reduce the amount of infectious virus particles in the human cell lines by up to three orders of magnitude under certain conditions. A result that clearly confirms the efficiency of the method and also demonstrates that this technology is also potent enough to deal with the large number of viruses that are produced in infected cells in the course of some viral infections.

Prof. Reinhard Klein from the Department of Life Sciences at IMC Krems

Krems (OTS) The multiplication of potentially harmful adenoviruses can be significantly reduced in human cells in cell culture by using the so-called CRISPR-Cas9 system (“gene scissors”). This method, which is used in science and research worldwide, also offers potential for future innovative therapies for the treatment of viral diseases. This finding is based on a study now published in the renowned specialist journal “Molecular Therapy Nucleic Acids“ study published by the IMC University of Applied Sciences Krems (IMC Krems) in Austria. The study was funded by the Austrian Science Fund FWF.

The research group led by Prof. Reinhard Klein from the Department of Life Sciences at IMC Krems used the scientifically established method (CRISPR-Cas9) for the targeted modification of DNA in order to significantly reduce the proliferation of adenoviruses in human cell lines in cell culture.

Zielkoordinate: Virus-DNA

This method makes it possible to specifically modify very specific sections of DNA in mammalian cells. “Our consideration was now,” explains Prof. Klein, “to explore the potential of this technology for combating viral infections.” The aim here was to destroy a region of the adenovirus DNA in infected human cell lines in such a way that the viruses no longer multiply can.

An approach that was surprisingly successful, as Prof. Klein explains: “In fact, we managed to reduce the amount of infectious virus particles in the human cell lines by up to three orders of magnitude under certain conditions. A result that clearly confirms the efficiency of the method and also demonstrates that this technology is also potent enough to deal with the large number of viruses that are produced in infected cells in the course of some viral infections.The inhibition of virus replication was further enhanced by a combination with the active ingredient cidofovir, which impedes viral DNA synthesis.

The results of the internationally acclaimed study by IMC Krems underline the very general potency of CRISPR-Cas9 and the possibility of using the technology to inactivate viruses. A fundamental, future application against viral diseases has thus become theoretically conceivable.

Questions & contact:

IMC University of Applied Sciences Krems
Michaela Sabathiel
Head of Marketing & Public Relations
T: +43 (0)2732 802
[email protected]

#Gene #scissors #human #cells #work #viruses

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