Scientists date the first possible contact with extraterrestrials… sooner than you think

by time news

2023-04-27 19:34:47

A study conducted by scientists at the University of California has set a date for the first possible contact with extraterrestrials. Beings from another planet could respond to the signals emitted by the Voyager 1 and 2 space probes on the date set by the experts.

The scientists who authored the study believe that the signals emitted by NASA could have been received by extraterrestrial civilizations and, if there had been an answer on his part, this would reach Earth at the end of this decade.

The date set by scientists

It would be in 2029 when the extraterrestrial response would arrive, thus establishing the first contact with this civilization, something that would mean a historic change by confirming the existence of extraterrestrial life, something that although it seems evident, has not yet been tested.

Therefore, if the aliens received the signal sent by the NASA in 2002 and responded to it, it would arrive in 2029. This is what the study led by Howard Isaacson, from the University of California.

The study also comes to the following conclusion: “We highlight the stars that are in the background of DSN broadcasts and calculate the dates of these encounters to determine the time and place for the potential intelligent extraterrestrial life to find terrestrial transmissions”.

Conflicting positions within science

There are also scientists who believe that the possibility of extraterrestrial contact is completely remote. Specifically, the astronomer Jean-Luc Margot, from the same university from which the study comes. He thinks that “It is unlikely that our insignificant and infrequent transmissions lead to detection by extraterrestrials.”

The eternal doubt of science

The question of whether there is life on other planets continues to be the great unknown for thousands of scientists around the world. Experts are getting closer and closer to the answer.

Recently, a team of scientists came to believe they had received extraterrestrial signals during observations of an object appearing and disappearing. “I felt a cold sweat“Acknowledged one of the scientists.

#Scientists #date #contact #extraterrestrials.. #sooner

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