“Virus is becoming more insidious”: New GECKO task force in the fight against Omikron

by time news

“The coronavirus is still dangerous”

The task force should continuously evaluate the corona situation. Thanks to the dual leadership with Chief Medical Officer Katharina Reich and Major General Rudolf Striedinger, GECKO will not only advise, but also be able to provide operational support during implementation, emphasized Nehammer and Mückstein on Saturday morning. Political decisions will continue to be made by the Federal Government, said the Chancellor.

“The coronavirus is still dangerous,” Nehammer initially made clear. One should prepare for Christmas and be tested before the festivities – that is “an established necessity”. The Chancellor ended his remarks with a renewed vaccination appeal to the population.

“The virus is becoming more insidious,” said Health Minister Mückstein. There will be more testing, sequencing and more vaccination.

Defense Minister Tanner thanked the soldiers who have so far helped in the pandemic. Tanner – like Nehammer before – also praised Striedinger and Reich in the management positions of the new crisis coordination.

The use of the military at the top in crisis coordination has also proven its worth abroad. Tanner referred to the successful vaccination campaign in Portugal.

New Covid drugs before the end of the year

According to Reich, “a major milestone” will be reached with the development of new Covid drugs. The first contracts have already been signed. First deliveries are expected before the end of the year.

When asked, Health Minister Mückstein made it clear – drugs are no alternative to vaccinations.

New crisis management

The government expects structured pandemic management from the realignment. Scientific analyzes of waves of infection should be carried out and possible threat scenarios identified earlier.

A team of “leading experts from science, operational implementation and communication” will be organized in the “Nationwide Covid Crisis Coordination” (GECKO), it was said on Friday afternoon at a background discussion in the Chancellery. The KURIER reported:

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