Bar, no one enters: for those who have no tables outside it is a black crisis – Bolzano

by time news

BOLZANO. Whoever has the garden outside is saved, whoever has no outdoor area is in serious difficulty. The reason is obvious: apart from some elderly people who already boast a double vaccination and some rare customers who for some reason have recently undergone a tampon (and certainly not to go for a cappuccino or an aperitif), in bars in practice they do not nobody enters. Empty. Outdoors, on the other hand, after almost three months of closing the premises, the atmosphere is lively, the tables for four, like the afternoon in Corso Libertà, are almost all occupied. Even here, where customers are not lacking, however, the owners do not skimp at all criticisms of politics and health for a choice that none of them shares. There are even those who have decided to keep the internal bar closed, not letting any customers in, but limiting themselves to serving only outside. «The Corona Pass? Unmanageable ». So if you can, don’t even take it into consideration. But there are those who cannot ignore it, that is, those who have no tables outside. In this case you are forced to be the controllers. And more than a few off-air bartenders say it: risking to antagonize even the historians and loyal customers.

The distinction, therefore, is having had the good fortune of having bought or rented or invested in a room with an outdoor garden, preferably indoors or in some way that can be covered with an anti-rain function. Otherwise, the bartenders say in chorus, now you’re done for.

Erion Maloku, owner of Fantasy, shows the room in the middle of the afternoon: empty. Outside instead – where with its management, in addition to occupying the classic portico, the tables have also multiplied on the tree-lined flowerbed at the beginning of Via Longon – there is a fair turnout. “This Corona Pass is a thing that is neither in heaven nor on earth. But I am convinced that it will change in a short time, in fast times, very soon. Why? Does not work. The over 60s are almost all vaccinated, they are keen to respect the rules, but so many others feel like it passes and for us it is a damage. Of course, in the last year we have been through worse, and we are lucky because we can work with the tables outside, but think about those who do not have them. It is unfair that one works and three does not. In my opinion they will remove this pass, because so many little ones will revolt, because they just can’t work like that ».

Jessica Olivetto, of Coffee Bean also in Corso Libertà, he says: «We are a cafeteria, our customers are calm, they behave well. They are happy that it has reopened. Four of them sit down, have a coffee, have a chat. Inside? Nobody enters, for now we have decided to keep it closed. We were lucky, I think of the places without tables outside, poor things ».

Karwan Rasul Ali, from The sweet life, also in Corso Libertà, is not minuscule, despite the fact that the tables outside his restaurant are all occupied, especially by boys. «This pass … Now it’s not like people go to have a tampon to have a coffee or a soft drink, and even there were people who do it, lots of others don’t want to hear about it. They don’t want to do it, let’s not forget that it is annoying, and then, having to repeat it every two days is madness … In my opinion it is not something that is good for us in bars and restaurants. Either the pass is for everyone or it’s not good. They should also impose it for shops, supermarkets. We have been closed for almost three months, food has always been open and now only we have this limitation. The only one, perhaps, would be to impose it everywhere, so people would be forced and everyone would be okay with the pass. If you have to do it otherwise you don’t go to the supermarket, then you do it and then you can also stop at the bar for an aperitif. However, one fact is certain: if you don’t have tables outside, now you’re screwed ».

Bledar Pici e Isuf Camema, from The New Grotta del Corso, they would have space inside, even on the first floor. Nothing, no one enters. “Except some elderly vaccinated or some students who have swabs at school, nobody goes to get a swab to drink a beer, neither would we. Many would like to enter, especially after a certain time. It is still cold outside in the evening. But we can’t let them in if they aren’t vaccinated or buffered, otherwise we’ll get a fine. Just think of four friends, two have a pass, the other two don’t, what do they do? Nothing, they don’t go in, they have to stay outside ».

Al Bar IV November, in the square of the same name, the owner’s wife confirms: «Nobody enters, at most they ask for information on how it works, but only to have a chat. Or they ask if they can come in to go to the bathroom. Obviously, with the mask, we allow it. Otherwise, everyone sat outside under the umbrellas. The real drama is for those who have no tables outside, I am thinking of wine bars. Just think of the historian Carpe Diem of viale Venezia, oa Divine of Viale Druso in front of the carabinieri ». In this case, inside 115 square meters, empty. Outside, two small tables on the property area, but you get little money. The owner is worried, he doesn’t feel like giving interviews, he just gets a “they’re killing the little ones; at the supermarket, or in shopping centers, or on Sasa buses, there is a crowd there, not in a small wine shop ».

Not far behind, the historian bar Florence. From October, no games, bets and the like. In the morning some vaccinated pensioners come in, “but it’s not like you get paid by making some coffee, it’s after work, with aperitifs that you make the day”, comments the owner, Enrico Gobbetti. But on the corner of Viale Druso-Via Firenze, there are no tables outside. “It was almost better with the takeaway. I would too: I would choose a bar where I can sit outside, comfortable. I wouldn’t stand out here. ‘

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