“Asthma – A Silent Killer with the 8th Highest Death Rate in Southeast Asia: Check the Risks and Assess Yourself Before It’s Too Late with Tips on How to Cope and Prevent Asthma Attacks – A Comprehensive Guide by AstraZeneca Thailand’s Healthy Lung Project”

by time news
2023-04-28 05:13:04

Believe it or not, asthma is a silent killer that kills over 4,000 Thai people annually and has the 8th highest death rate in Southeast Asia. which is mainly caused by various factors It is a stimulus such as allergens, dust, smoke, pollen, fur, including air pollution. and temperature changes rapidly All of these things result in an exacerbation of asthma patients. Many people may think that these symptoms are distant. However, information from The World Health Organization (WHO) reveals that Respiratory disease and asthma It’s not just the dust that’s the triggering factor. But it also directly affects the quality of life. and become an obstacle in daily life

Asthma? A close thing that can happen to anyone.

Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disease of the bronchi. This results in the patient’s bronchi reacting more to allergens and the environment than normal people. Patients often have a history of coughing, chest tightness, difficulty breathing, and wheezing. or panting According to the data of patients admitted to government hospitals in 2020, there were 488,449 patients with asthma and severe asthma exacerbations, representing a prevalence rate of 737.99 per 100,000 population. by those who died from this disease It is most often caused by acute asthma attacks. Inability to take care of yourself while having symptoms Improper inhalation, slow inhalation, improper use of medication or the patient’s trachea is severely sensitive to stimuli

how to cope when asthma attacks

Asthma affects quality of life in many ways, such as lack of sleep. Work efficiency deteriorates. In some cases, it may cause loss of income. Currently found As many as 3 million people in Thailand suffer from asthma, with more than 60% of asthmatic patients using only inhalers for regular relief which is not correct.

Dr. Piamlap Saengsayan, MD. Chest Disease Institute, Department of Medical Services, Ministry of Public Health gave advice on how to prevent and manage asthma that “Nowadays, inhalers are used to dilate bronchial tubes. It is a fast-acting and anti-inflammatory that is the main cause of asthma. It can help prevent symptoms and alleviate asthma symptoms effectively when taking medication regularly. exercise regularly and wearing a mask to avoid stimuli This will improve health care and asthma relief.”

In addition, several current triggers such as dust, smoke and air pollution are also associated with an increased risk of asthma exacerbations in children. This can cause an exacerbation of asthma. And has a continuous effect on daily life, such as missing school, and may cause physical abnormalities if not properly treated. Is asthmatic right? AstraZeneca has therefore created a campaign Parker Panda (Parker Panda) and Dr. Bunny (Dr. Bunny) to educate doctors and families about asthma in children and how to care for children through educational materials. Interested parties can follow AstraZeneca Thailand on Facebook or download the e-book to read the full text here.

Are you at risk for asthma? Easy to check in one click.

In addition to the initial self-assessment through self-observation of symptoms such as coughing, chest tightness, wheezing. and racers before going to see a doctor for further diagnosis and investigation of the cause You can evaluate the way to treat asthma. An introductory form is available on the Rate Your Reliance website, is a test to assess your dependence on short-acting bronchodilators for relief of asthma (SABA), and is a resource for asthma knowledge.

On the occasion of this year’s World Asthma Day AstraZeneca Thailand has created a short video under the Healthy Lung project with the aim of educating about caring for asthma patients. for access to effective treatment and medication to alleviate symptoms Which takes into account the safety of the patient is important. You can follow and watch on YouTube AstraZeneca Thailand and Facebook AstraZeneca Thailand.

Healthy Lung is considered a sustainable social project through cooperation between AstraZeneca Thailand, an agency under the Ministry of Public Health and medical associations The goal is for everyone to have healthy lungs and a good quality of life. through awareness raising campaigns about asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Ready to raise the level of knowledge development Empowerment and access to services that lead to the development of treatment and manage disease effectively

AstraZeneca Thailand aims to be a leader in the treatment of asthma and respiratory disease. By bringing scientific knowledge to further develop and develop through cooperation with partners from both the public and private sectors. to create accurate knowledge and understanding of the disease By emphasizing on prevention, self-care, and planning for proper treatment. To improve the quality of life of the people for sustainable good health care.

#Asthmaa #close #matter #overlooked #Check #risks #selfassess #late #RYT9

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