“Since September 5, we have received 30 ambassadors (…) which proves that…” – Aminata.com Information in Guinea and in the world

by time news

2023-04-26 21:35:51

QForty five (45) questions were asked to the head of Guinean diplomacy, during the exercise to which he lent himself this Wednesday, April 26, 2023 before the national advisers in the hemicycle. Dr. Morisanda Kouyaté, without going a thousand ways, demonstrated that our country’s diplomatic relations are in good shape.

“Guinean diplomacy “is alive”, the whole world recognizes the country with its new authorities”, he confided, continuing all the same that the proof is that since September 5, 30 ambassadors have been accredited in Guinea and other countries urge, every day, the country for the installation in their States, of the diplomatic representatives of our country.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs and Guineans living abroad, started from a postulate to mean that Guinea has the largest iron deposit in the world. We cannot therefore have this wealth according to him, and come and crawl before the international community to try to plead anyone.

“I hear people say ‘they are arrogant when the international community is funding them’, but the international community is funding whom? We fund each other, that’s cooperation. They come to us to take bauxite, manganese, etc. and you give money in return and often it’s badly paid. (…). Since September 5, we have had 30 ambassadors who come to stand in front of you all and in front of the president of the transition to say, my president or my king is sending me to represent him. So the whole world recognizes us. On the other side, we had to recall the ambassadors because there was a change. But today, it is countries that press us to say that we have not yet appointed an ambassador in their country. The day before yesterday, President XI-Jinping received the credentials of our ambassador, ten days ago the same was done in Russia. It’s not Colonel Mamadi Doumbouya, it’s Guinea. It is not empty pride, our diplomacy is alive, but it should not be seen as a victory over others,” said Dr. Morisanda Kouyaté.

M. Koundouno

#September #received #ambassadors #proves #Aminata.com #Information #Guinea #world

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