Russia extends terror again to all of Ukraine

by time news

2023-04-28 12:09:56

The Kremlin has once again extended the campaign of terror to all of Ukraine. After several weeks concentrating on trying to break down the Ukrainian defense in Bakhmut and its neighboring front line in Donbas, the Russian Army has bombarded different cities of the former republic with dozens of projectiles, with particular viciousness in Kiev, Dnipro and Uman, a city ​​of 80,000 inhabitants where a devastating X-100 missile hit a residential building at ten this morning and caused, so far, a dozen fatalities, including two children. In total, the massive Russian attack has claimed a dozen victims, although relief teams are still searching through the remains of the explosions.

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This is one of the largest massacres of civilians recorded this year. In January, a similar wave caused the death of about thirty citizens and left 81 injured in Dnipro, Donetsk, Summy and Kherson. A month later, a missile similar to the one in Uman killed three civilians and sent twenty others to hospital after hitting a residential block in Kramatorsk. In recent weeks there have been bombings in other cities, but to a lesser extent.

The latest artillery action has been a demonstration of fire that has hardly been seen since Russia stopped punishing Ukraine’s energy infrastructure, with selective bombardments between October and January in those cities and key supply locations. Then it was said that Moscow had ‘moles’ or collaborators in the invaded country who revealed to the artillerymen the positions where there were power plants and important distribution nodes. But today everything seems to indicate that the rain of missiles, howitzers and drones has been destined to cause general panic. A fear that has returned to the eyes of thousands of Ukrainians after the war had been reduced for a month and a half to a dramatic pulse in Bakhmut, where Western researchers believe that the casualties number in the thousands.

The offensive raises new questions about the power of the Russian arsenal. Just a few weeks ago, in April, British and Ukrainian intelligence agreed that Moscow had exhausted much of its ammunition, especially long-range precision projectiles, which is true given how its army has been declining its actions. massive. However, a new analysis released this month among the allied countries indicates that the Kremlin still has projectiles to endure another year of war.

What is certain is that Russia has returned to its tactic of spreading terror. The new massive attack last morning against several Ukrainian cities and regions has ended with a balance of at least 12 deaths. This time the affected regions have been kyiv, including the capital, Cherkasi and Dnipro. In total, according to the Kiev Army, Russia fired 23 cruise missiles, of which 21 could be shot down by the Ukrainian air defense system. Drones were also used and there are numerous damaged or semi-destroyed buildings.

The town that has suffered the worst in this incursion has been Uman, in the Cherkasi region, where a rocket hit a tall residential building and another hit a warehouse. In total, in Uman, according to local authorities, there have been 10 deaths and 17 injuries, although the number of victims could increase, since there are people still under the rubble.

In Dnipro, according to data from the regional Administration, shelling killed a 31-year-old woman and a three-year-old girl. The house they lived in has been completely destroyed and there are also several injuries. In the town of Ukrainka, in the kyiv region, fragments of rockets hit a residential building, injuring a 13-year-old girl. And, in the country’s capital, shrapnel from missiles cut a power line and damaged a highway, but caused no deaths or injuries. “No civilian casualties or damage to residential buildings or infrastructures were reported” in the city of Kiev, said the head of Kiev’s air defense forces, Serguii Popko.

“Tonight, the enemy attacked Ukraine again with missiles and drones. The targets of the terrorists have been peaceful people and civilian installations,” Ukrainian President Volodimir Zelensky said on his Telegram channel. He also notes that “as a result of the missile attack in Uman, about 10 apartment buildings were damaged. An entire portal was destroyed in one of them.

“People remain under the rubble and unfortunately there are victims and deaths, including a child. In Dnipro, the terrorist attack claimed the life of a child. My condolences to all those who lost their loved ones due to Russian terror,” Zelensky wrote, considering that “every such attack, every evil act against our country and our people brings the terrorist state closer to failure and punishment.” In his words, “Russian terror must have an adequate response from Ukraine and from the world. And so it will be.”

The commander-in-chief of the Ukrainian Army, General Valeri Zaluzhni, reported that the missile attack was launched around four in the morning local time “from Russian Tu-95 strategic bombers in flight in the Caspian Sea area.” The previous massive bombardment took place on March 24, although the attacks with artillery or S-300 shuttles have not ceased throughout the month of April more or less intermittently. On the 20th, Kherson and Chernigov were bombarded and, during this week, there were also attacks against Kupiansk, Kherson again and Zaporizhia, with different balances of victims, although lighter than today’s in a timely manner in each of these raids.

#Russia #extends #terror #Ukraine

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