“A pride and an honor”: Simon Fourcade new coach of the French men’s biathlon team

by time news

2023-04-28 13:27:16

The void is filled. Since March 18, the French men’s biathlon team has had no coaches since the resignation of Vincent Vittoz and Patrick Favre. The latter had justified this surprise departure as they were no longer in tune with the athletes.

According to Ski Chrono, Simon Fourcade has been appointed coach of the French men’s team with Jean-Pierre Amat, in charge of shooting. At 39, Martin’s big brother, thus takes charge of the destinies of a formation he knows very well.

“I know the executives well who have been teammates,” he told Ski Chrono. They even became friends. But I’m not going to mix it all up. It’s one of the first things I’m going to tell them. We will do everything to make it work with the 2026 Olympics as the high point. »

Young retired from competitions since 2019, Simon Fourcade took care of the French junior teams. “It’s a pride and an honor, he savors. It’s also quite a challenge. The greatest recognition is that my name has been put forward by the athletes. It is very important to me. I am also grateful to the federation which trusts me. »

With Jean-Pierre Amat (60), Olympic shooting champion in 1996, Simon Fourcade thinks of forming a fairly complementary pair. “JP coached me when I was an athlete and we also coached a little together this season. He will bring me his experience and his calm. It should calm me down a bit. He and I are fire and ice. For the new team, everything will start on May 29 with a first internship.

As for the two resigning, Vincent Vittoz returns to his first love with a return to coaching the French cross-country skiing team he left in 2018. Patrick Favre is now co-shooting coach of the women’s team with Jean-Paul Giachino.

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