How the Corona Pandemic is Affecting Children’s Mental Health: Bavarian Health Minister Calls for Urgent Action and Support for Young Patients and Their Needs-Based Care in Daily Life Through Close Collaboration with Local Experts and Practical Dialogues

by time news

2023-04-28 15:09:58

The minister said on Thursday in the Josefinum Clinic in Kempten during an exchange with specialists from child and adolescent psychiatry, social education and nursing, among other things: “We have to focus even more on the physical and mental well-being of children and adolescents – I see that as a central task of our society and my politics. Various studies and reports have impressively shown that the corona pandemic has significant consequences for the health and well-being of children and young people in particular. It is important to offer them needs-based support and help if they are affected by a mental illness.” Holetschek added: “For example, the outpatient contract psychotherapeutic care situation in Bavaria is good in terms of numbers, measured against the generally applicable nationwide specifications for outpatient needs planning. However, this no longer reflects the actual demand situation. As a result of the corona pandemic, there are about a third more appointment requests for psychotherapy! Above all, this must be a wake-up call for the federal government. Under my chairmanship, the health of children and young people was already the focus of the Health Ministers’ Conference (GMK) in 2021, but the federal government has not yet set up the commission of inquiry requested by the federal states with the local professionals who treat, support and care for children and young people with mental illnesses on a daily basis. Because the best planning at the green table is useless if there are very practical hurdles in everyday life. I want to learn from the practitioners, share their experiences with them and see what can be concretely implemented at country level.”

Holetschek emphasized: “In many respects, it is up to the federal government to improve the range of services for people with mental health needs, regardless of age. We urgently want to bring about improvements in waiting times for treatment and therapy places with psychotherapists. We have already contacted the responsible federal level several times. Most recently, in the GMK of January 30, 2023, on the initiative of Bavaria, the federal states requested the federal government to adapt the requirements for contract doctor requirement planning in the area of ​​psychotherapists in such a way that separate planning is possible for child and adolescent psychotherapists in particular. Ultimately, this would create additional branch offices and – if they can be filled – waiting times would also be reduced. This is sorely needed, especially for young patients.” The minister added: “There are successes to report at the level of the Free State, because Bavaria promotes a wide range of prevention and help offers. For example, we use the country doctor premium to support branches of psychotherapists and child and adolescent psychiatrists in rural areas: Since 2012, we have been able to support the branches of 191 psychotherapists and 17 child and adolescent psychiatrists. With our publicity campaigns – such as the successful MucklMag, which focuses on the mental health of younger children – we are committed to destigmatizing mental illness.”

Holetschek added: “We observe, evaluate and check developments in the mental health of children and young people very closely and, like today’s practical dialogue, are in close contact with the actors in Bavaria who support young people. We want and must explore the needs and possibilities for further measures together with the local experts. Even if the supply in the Free State is good, we want to constantly improve and develop. This is the only way we can adequately support children and young people with mental illnesses and stress.”

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