MSP updated the National Multisectoral Strategic Plan for HIV/AIDS-STIs and Viral Hepatitis 2023 – 2025 – Ministry of Public Health

by time news

2023-04-28 19:00:21

Quito, April 28, 2023

The Ministry of Public Health (MSP), through the National Directorate of Prevention and Control Strategies for Communicable Diseases and the National HIV/AIDS-STI Strategy, updated the National Strategic Plan

Multisectoral HIV/AIDS-STI and Viral Hepatitis 2023 – 2025. This plan is considered a health policy to respond to this infection.

The plan was worked on with the support of the Comprehensive Public Health Network, cooperating organizations, and civil society, especially with key population groups (men who have sex with men, transgender people, and people who do sex work) and people who live with HIV.

This State portfolio executes actions to strengthen the promotion of health and prevention of HIV and other STIs within the framework of human rights, whose objective is to capture positive cases early, as well as intensify prevention strategies. Given this, Rodrigo Tobar, manager of the Project for the Reduction of Chronic – Communicable Diseases of Greater Impact in Ecuador, assured that HIV screening will be expanded.

“Our objective is to improve the response until 2025 and expand the tests to young people and pregnant women, with well-defined strategic lines,” said the health authority.

He stated that currently the country has made several advances in this area, being considered one of the first in the Andean region. One of them is the sufficient stock of antiretroviral drugs in health establishments that were purchased at low prices, with the aim of guaranteeing a greater quantity and quality of medicines and medical supplies.

The prevention coverage for this key group will have a greater impact with the articulation of the ministries of Education, Interior, Labor, National Police, Council of Higher Education, Armed Forces, Ecuadorian Institute of Social Security, the Secretariat of Higher Education, Science, Technology and Innovation (Senescyt), among others.

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