three doses of vaccine protect up to 80% –

by time news
from Cristina Marrone

The Imperial College study of the Omicron variant and vaccine protection: There are no signs that the new variant is milder than Delta. Two doses offer little or no protection. But the third dose makes a difference

The Omicron variant has 5.4 times the ability to reinfect the Delta variant according to a study by researchers at Imperial College London that has not yet been peer-reviewed. This means that protection against reinfection from the new variant offered by a‘past infection can only reach up to 19%.

Also there vaccine protection compared to this new variant it is significantly lower e fluctuates with double dose from 0 to 20% against symptomatic disease (Pfizer and Astrazeneca were evaluated). Things improve after the booster because protection goes up from 55% to 80% (but at the moment it is not known how long it lasts). I study non he finally found evidence that the new variant gives a less severe form of the disease than Delta, even if the data relating to hospitalizations remain low at the moment.

The researchers also found a significantly higher risk of developing a symptomatic case of Omicron than Delta for those who had received the second dose for over two weeks and for those who had received the booster for over two weeks, a sign that protection drops rapidly over time. In detail the residual protection against symptomatic infection with two doses of AstraZeneca is considered ‘very limited’, while for the Covid vaccine of Pfizer is “low”. It is in the latter case, however, that the protection would reach 50-80 percent thanks to the booster.

This ability to evade the immune defenses by the Omicron variant it is linked to the significant number of mutations (over 30) detected on the Spike protein. The anti Covid vaccines are based on triggering immunity precisely towards the protein S, and since that of the Omicron variant is very different from that of the original strain that emerged in Wuhan, the consequence is an important ability to “pierce” the protection induced by the vaccination.

Study results a were based on data from the UK Health Safety Agency and the National Health Service on people who tested positive for the molecular swab between 29 November and 11 December. 333,000 cases were analyzed, including 122,062 of Delta and 1,846 of Omicron confirmed through genome sequencing.

This study “provides other evidence of the very substantial extent with which Omicron can evade immunity which can indicate having had the disease and having had the anti-Covid vaccine. This level of immune evasion means that Omicron poses a serious and imminent threat to public health, ”he says Neil Ferguson of Imperial College. Research “found no evidence that Omicron “causes infections of” severity less than Delta “, considering the proportion of people tested positive who report symptoms or the proportion of cases requiring hospital care after infection. “However – the authors specify – the data on hospitalizations remain very limited at this time”.

Doctor Clive ten, a former chair of the UK vaccine task force, interviewed by Reuters said it was important not to over-interpret the data. “The conclusions drawn are based on hypotheses, but we do not yet have sufficient data,” said Dr. Dix. “For example, we have no data on the cellular immune response (B and T lymphocytes, ed) which is probably driving the effectiveness of vaccines “. For Professor Azra Ghani “quantifying the risk of reinfection and the efficacy of the Omicron vaccine is essential to model the likely future trajectory of the Omicron wave and the potential impact of vaccination and other public health interventions”.

December 18, 2021 (change December 18, 2021 | 14:35)

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