Weekly horoscope: I discovered what the stars have in store for each sign for the next few days | Cuyo’s diary

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2023-04-29 15:08:53

With the help of the stars we can discover if luck will accompany us or not during the week. Find out what they say about you and how you will fare depending on your zodiac sign and thus face the coming days with greater confidence.

ARIES (21-3 al 20-4)

HEALTH: You have small digestive discomfort that you don’t pay much attention to. It would not be bad for you to consult a doctor, since things can be complicated. Also watch more what you eat.

LOVE: With your partner you will live a stage of strengthening and sincere and calm love. This will make you start making plans for the future. It is a good time to feel that your family loves and supports you, as well as your friends, who will offer you many plans if you have recently experienced a heartbreak.

FORTUNE: If your economy is damaged, trust the support of your family, since they will get you out of any trouble that arises unexpectedly. The number three and the color red will give you luck.

TAURUS (21-4 to 20-5)

HEALTH: Your weak point these days is your stomach. It costs you a little to digest and you feel annoying and heavy. Avoid fat and spicy, because they do not suit you at all.

LOVE: Your love relationship is very stable, but you should encourage more dialogue and complicity. At a party at the end of the week you will be the center of attention, so do not rule out meeting someone very special if you have not had a partner for a long time.

FORTUNA: If you are looking for a job, you will have to be a little more patient because you will not find what you are looking for. The number five will give you luck, as well as the color blue.

GEMINI (21-5 to 21-6)

HEALTH: This week will make you feel good, strong and in good spirits. You should not feel lazy when exercising, walking or running, because it benefits your blood circulation.

LOVE: The Moon makes you very sensual and makes your passionate dreams come true. They are going to be done spontaneously, so don’t begrudge the age and enjoy it.

FORTUNE: You will be very lucky at work or in the new projects that may appear, as well as in the personal businesses that you are going to undertake. You will achieve the success you deserve, so keep going. The number two and the color green will give you luck.

CANCER (22-6 to 22-7)

HEALTH: You have to control fluid retention if you notice your ankles a little swollen. It would do you good to walk a little after each meal. Avoid fats, sweets, alcohol and don’t forget to drink more water.

LOVE: Do not be shy when declaring yourself, since the influence of the Moon can make you change your life on a sentimental level. If you have a stable relationship, you are going to make plans for the future that will be carried out until the end of the year. Regarding your family, you have to be more patient and not look for confrontations.

FORTUNA: If you are worried about pending payments, you should not suffer because you will be able to face them. Of course, you must organize your expenses. In your work they value you a lot, but you should not lower your performance.

LEO (23-7 to 23-8)

HEALTH: Your throat will bother you and you can be hoarse for a couple of days, so if you smoke, avoid it. You may feel more tired than usual and it could all be due to lack of sleep. Try to sleep the hours you need.

LOVE: You enter a stage in which you will feel very supported by your partner and you will feel very happy. You will begin to value more having a calm and relaxed atmosphere at home. This will benefit your nervous system. If you don’t have a partner, you’re going to want to enjoy being single.

FORTUNE: Your economy can suffer ups and downs. You must control yourself, since you need to have a stability that makes you feel a little calmer. Don’t brag about what you don’t have. Even numbers and dark colors will bring you luck.

VIRGO (24-8 to 23-9)

HEALTH: You are going to have to deal with a small cold that can start on a night out. Try to wrap up a little more if it’s cold. Also, take a few days off to regain strength.

LOVE: At certain times you doubt your partner’s feelings and this causes sentimental instability. You have to talk to him and you will see how much calmer you are.

FORTUNA: If you are looking for a job, in the middle of the week you can have very good news. Do not trust that an economic issue that is going to start worrying you will solve itself and quickly.

LIBRA (24-9 to 23-10)

HEALTH: You are going to have a headache caused by your worries and your nerves. You have to try to relax and not obsess over the people you have recently met. Also, you’re going to have a little pain in your legs.

LOVE: In recent weeks, you have been quite jealous of your partner as a result of the changes in the Moon. You must speak.

FORTUNE: Do not expect your family to solve an economic problem that is weighing you down, you have to be a little more farsighted and thus you will not find yourself in this situation more times. A new job offer will come to you.

SCORPIO (24-10 to 22-11)

HEALTH: Due to a bad posture, your back can suffer. Do not do gymnastics without the supervision of an expert.

LOVE: You have a partner, but there is something that is not working. Therefore, the influence of Mars in the sign of Scorpio will make you feel attracted to a person or be tempted to go back to someone from the past. Think about it very well, because there will be no going back.

FORTUNA: If you have a freelance job, everything will improve. You will have great ideas that you can get great performance from. The color red and the number two will give you luck.

SAGITTARIUS (11-23 to 12-21)

HEALTH: Strong nasal congestion can cause you to have watery and irritated eyes. It is best to consult with your specialist. In addition, it will be good for you to start exercising a little more if you want to lose all the kilos that you have gained in recent weeks.

LOVE: If you don’t have a partner, you’re going to attract the girl younger than you and you’re going to get excited like a teenager. You must live it and don’t allow anyone to embitter the good sentimental moment that you’re going to start living.

FORTUNA: Bright colors bring you a lot of luck and on the other hand they will give you a special strength. Use them if you have a job interview or an exam pending in the coming days.

CAPRICORN (22-12 to 20-1)

HEALTH: Changes in temperature and cold are not in your favor, so you may notice swelling and heaviness in your legs due to poor circulation. Try to exercise more.

LOVE: If your heart has not been occupied for a long time, you fall in love very easily, and for this reason, on many occasions you suffer unnecessarily. You have to be very careful, as you could be attracted to younger people and then have a terrible time. You have to be more aware of your family.

FORTUNA: You shouldn’t get mad at the people who work with you. On many occasions, you are very demanding with the people around you and you have to control your impulses. The number nine and the green color will give you luck.

AQUARIUS (21-1 to 18-2)

HEALTH: With a lot of willpower you have managed to lose a little weight by avoiding sweets and fats. Now you just need to do a little more on your part and do a little more sport.

LOVE: It is a good time to receive support and affection from your partner. Try to live up to it and live with great enthusiasm what awaits you. If you don’t have a partner, things will continue like this until the moon shines on you.

FORTUNA: You are going to receive a surprise from your superiors: a proposal for a new project. You can even receive recognition for your good professional work. The number eight and the blue color will give you luck.

PISCES (19-2 to 20-3)

HEALTH: An inopportune cold can annoy your weekend. Try to take a vitamin that strengthens your defenses to avoid it. Your mood is good, although try not to get overwhelmed by small problems.

LOVE: The stars do not favor you. And you could very easily argue with your partner. If you haven’t had a partner for a long time, you’re going to feel a bit overwhelmed by someone trying to seduce you. You have to make things pretty clear up front, before it’s too late.

FOTUNA: At work you will receive help from colleagues younger than you. This will favor you to achieve your goals. If you don’t have a job, don’t think about starting a business, since the stars do not favor you.

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