Final of the Coupe de France: Emmanuel Macron will greet the players well … but in the locker room

by time news

2023-04-29 18:49:17

Emmanuel Macron will indeed respect the tradition. At least in part… The President of the Republic will greet the Nantes and Toulouse players well before the kick-off of the Coupe de France final but, according to his entourage, he will not descend on the lawn of the Stade de France , but will meet the players of this match before they enter the field.

“While whistles are part of a certain folklore at the Stade de France, the President of the Republic has always respected the tradition of saluting the players which he has reinstated, explains those around him. However, this year, it is clear that certain politicians and trade union leaders want to orchestrate an event aimed at diverting the attention of the evening from the players, the match, the cup, sportsmanship and the festive spirit, but on a political battle. The PR will therefore greet the players, as it has always done since 2017, before they enter the turf. »

Since the start of his first term in 2017, the head of state has always descended on the lawn to greet the players and coaches before the start of the final. Last year, he congratulated the referees, players and coaches of Nice and Nantes on the pitch in the company of Noël Le Graët, who has since lost his position at the head of the French Football Federation.

Another change: at the level of the protocol for the presentation of the trophy, the winner of this meeting will seek “the Old Lady” in the presidential gallery and not on the lawn, as announced by the Paris police headquarters, to avoid risk of ground invasion.

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