Biden hopes to make profitable in 2024 the calm that his policy has returned to the country after the Trump era

by time news

2023-04-29 23:47:20

Under the slogan “The job must be finished,” President Joe Biden this week announced his 2024 re-election campaign to lead the United States for a second term. His argument: democracy is still “deeply threatened” in the country. With the president officially in the race, everything today points to a repeat of the confrontation with former President Donald Trump that took place in 2020. The announcement was made through a video on television that begins with the shocking images of the assault on the Capitol by a mass of Trump supporters on January 6, 2021. The story then goes on to expose the attempts of Republican extremism against the fundamental freedoms of the country: cuts in Social Security (the retirement pension); lower taxes for the very rich; the restriction of women’s right to abortion; the prohibition of books and gay rights, as well as the limitations on the vote of minorities. Standard Related News If Biden does not even dare to pronounce his age Mercedes Gallego The octogenarian president is considering a silent campaign with few rallies in which his second and possible successor will tour the country The president ends the story with the following statement: «When I I ran for president four years ago, I said we were in a battle for the soul of the country. And we still are.” Although it is easy to ignore it, Biden’s great achievement has probably been to restore normalcy to government and civilian life in general. Anti-democratic extremism is still a rampant phenomenon in the country – the result of a four-year descent into chaos and turmoil from the former occupant of the White House – but in daily life there is an easing of anxiety levels. Still, Biden’s popularity numbers aren’t particularly remarkable. The president maintains a high disapproval rate (53.3%), and the approval level is nine points below (42.5%) and continues to be moderate. And although he has improved somewhat since the end of July, the disaffection of the citizens is similar to that of other presidents who did not manage to be reelected. The Administration likes to invoke its record of job creation -twelve million jobs-, the reduction of unemployment to historical levels, the confirmation of the first African-American justice to the Supreme Court, Ketanji Brown Jackson, and the record of insurance subscriptions federally subsidized doctor from Obama Care. Although less visible and despite their limitations, laws on the federal protection of gay marriage, on gun safety or on the reduction of the prices of medicines for the elderly -in the case of insulin-, which had been excessively increased, forcing many to seek supplies in Canada, have made considerable progress with a real impact on the lives of the American population. Inflation continues Despite its magnitude, the Rescue Plan is not one of the messages chosen by the Democrats Oil projects Some of his agreements disappoint the young electorate and discredit him as the president of “climate change” Primaries? The polls highlight that he is the only candidate with the ability to win Conditioned by his fragile majority in Congress, the Government has managed in just two years to pass three important legislative projects with considerable consequences: the Inflation Reduction Law focused on the promotion of clean energy; the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Law, with important public works renovation projects; and the CHIPS Act, which encourages high-tech manufacturing. But the law that is not talked about enough is the 2,000 million Rescue Plan of March 2021. A legislation with a Roosevelian tone, which is probably the most ambitious liberal moment of Biden, aimed at getting the country out of the economic catastrophe and health caused by the pandemic. Not sufficiently publicized, this law marked the radical expansion of social programs, such as unemployment benefits or child tax credits, in addition to channeling hundreds of billions of dollars in grants to state and local governments to finance projects across the country. It is significant that despite its size and the results achieved in recent years, the Rescue Plan does not seem to be part of the public message of the Democrats. The discretion is due to the Administration’s fears about persistent inflation, aware of the still precarious legislative pre-eminence it has in Congress. The importance of convincing the South Pacific islands The president of the United States will arrive in Papua New Guinea on May 22 to meet with the 18 leaders of the South Pacific islands in a forum that will also be attended by the prime ministers of Australia and New Zealand. The occasion will be historic, as it marks the first time a sitting US president has visited the country in more than a century. Biden’s intention is to strengthen diplomatic and possibly economic ties with the small nations scattered in this region of the ocean, which have gained unexpected value in the clash between the US and China. In fact, the White House wants to attract these islands which, although they previously occupied a marginal diplomatic space, have now gained a high strategic role for the two powers in control of the Pacific. On the other hand, Biden has failed on his immigration policy. Recent federal water auctions to the extractive industry in the Gulf of Mexico, as well as the approval of an oil project in Alaska, have further disillusioned the young electorate and considerably discredited him as the “climate change” president he purports to be. . The generational question In foreign policy, the Democratic leader and his team have brought a renewed seriousness to the international arena, from which the US was absent in the Trump era. In just two years in office, Biden has led one of the most intense phases of global reordering change in decades. Despite mistakes such as the disastrous exit from Afghanistan in 2021 or the lack of trade expansion agreements, his Administration has expanded new alliances -the military AUKUS, with Australia and the United Kingdom- and consolidated the old ones, in addition to reincorporating the country into global efforts on climate policy and other cooperative issues. Much of this effort has been directed towards Ukraine. Biden has focused on getting Washington to lead the massive front to stop Russia in Europe’s most terrifying war since 1945, as well as consolidating a bloc of alliances to contain China’s growing commercial dominance and military aggressiveness in Indo- Peaceful. But everything has its risks. Although he maintains communication channels with the Kremlin to send warnings about the repercussions of a possible use of tactical nuclear weapons, the relationship between the United States and Russia is otherwise unstable and unpredictable. Standard Related News If Biden will give Trump the opportunity for a rematch Mercedes Gallego The granddaughter of trade unionist César Chávez would lead the re-election campaign while the main interior adviser, Susan Rice, resigns The advanced age of Biden, who at 80 is already the oldest president in the country’s history, produces some uncertainty inside and outside the party. If re-elected, he will be 86 at the end of his second term, nearly nine years older than Ronald Reagan was when he left the White House in 1989. After running his first run as a “bridging president” to another generation, many Democrats hoped Biden would relent. to a younger candidate this time. But despite limited vitality, Biden has always maintained that he would run again. The lack of another Democratic candidate with the ability to win a national election makes him the only viable option. However, and despite the tradition of not challenging party mates already in office, two Democrats have announced their bid for the presidency: Robert F. Kennedy Jr., son of the iconic assassinated senator, and these days imbued in the world of the anti-vaccine conspiracy; and Marianne Williamson, the self-help author whose 2020 campaign failed before the first votes were cast. None will survive the first months of the campaign. A very eventful mandate Evacuation from Kabul. | The raiders take over the halls of the Capitol. | Zelensky, with Biden. AFP and EFE Afghanistan Possibly, Joe Biden’s biggest ballast in international politics bears the name of Afghanistan. The sudden withdrawal of US troops in August 2021 facilitated its recapture by the Taliban, who reached Kabul within days and took control of the country. The images of international rescue planes taking off in a chaotic evacuation were devastating for the president. Capitol Never has a US president in contemporary history faced a seizure like the one on January 6, 2021 when an extremist mob stormed the Capitol to protest the defeat of Donald Trump. Biden has had to strike a fine balance to reduce the hangover of those traumatic events in the US conscience. He has lowered social tension while encouraging investigations into the rebellion. His idea that democracy is still “in danger” motivates him to compete again against the Republican magnate. Covid. Another challenge has been to try to mitigate the economic crisis of the pandemic, which is still in force, and accelerate the health campaigns in favor of the mask or vaccination that the Republicans turned into a workhorse. Ukraine Biden will enter the electoral race under the shadow of war if Vladimir Putin and Volodimir Zelensky do not reach a peace agreement before. A staunch defender of kyiv, he is convinced that if he loses the elections the Republicans will drastically reduce aid to the invaded country. Weapons he has not fulfilled one of his main promises, to eradicate violence caused by firearms, but he has made timid progress: some States have increased restrictions and he himself signed an order in March that reinforces control of the sale . Minorities African-Americans believe that he has not fulfilled the promises that emerged in the heat of Black Lives Matter and that there has been no progress in the abuse of power against this group and episodes of police brutality.
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