More than 2 thousand companies join Social Security

by time news

2023-04-30 01:59:27

Guatemala City, April 29 (AGN).- As of March 31, 2,881 companies completed their registration process for Social Security. According to him Guatemalan Social Security Institute (IGSS), The increase in affiliates is due to Agreement 1529, which was approved by its board of directors.

The agreement seeks that lucrative and non-profit, religious entities, enterprises and associations with a collaborator be beneficiaries of the insurance. This allows thousands of workers to have the support of the IGSS to be attended to in case of any eventuality.

In this sense, it was highlighted that previously the regulations limited this benefit to companies that had three or more collaborators.

affiliated sectors

According to the entity, of the 2,881 companies that registered, the service sector ranks first with 1,206 registrations.

Next, the registered companies dedicated to commerce contemplate at least 1,95 and the industrial sector 254.

Therefore, these sectors will be the beneficiaries with medical care, salary in case of suspension and care in case of illness as of this year.

From this account, it was reported that the expansion of coverage is carried out in a gradual, progressive and orderly manner, six months after its entry into force.

Therefore, the registration will not be retroactive, when the company completes the corresponding process, its workers will begin to have the benefits.

About registration

The authorities reported that the registration of companies that have only one worker is currently voluntary.

However, as of July the work plan for the gradual registration will be announced, which includes inspections of companies to determine if they meet the requirements to access this service.

In this sense, contributions to Social Security must begin 30 days after notification to the employer, For this, it was announced that all workers with or without a contract must be registered as affiliates.

For this reason, a call was made to entrepreneurs and micro-entrepreneurs who have one or more workers to carry out the registration process to become part of the IGSS affiliates.

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