Piper says every Christian should ask themselves if they have ‘peace with God’

by time news

2023-04-29 19:58:12

Peace with God is a privilege that comes only to those who have been justified by faith in Jesus Christ. This is the summary of a message on Romans 5:1 that Pastor John Piper preached recently.

In the sermon, Piper states that without peace with God, it is impossible to achieve any other kind of peace: “This peace [com Deus] it is the foundation for all other peaces. If you try to bring peace to your mind, your heart, to all the guilt and anxiety that keep coming back, without that peace [com Deus], if you try to keep a family together, to have peace at work, you may even succeed briefly, superficially. But it won’t last.”

Having peace with God, emphasized the pastor, should be the priority of all human beings, so as not to get in the way of divine wrath: “Especially in eternity. All peace, internally and externally, is based on this peace. [com Deus], in this vertical experience of asking ‘Do I have peace with God?’ Is it open and transparent with God? Are we friends?’” he added.

Then the pastor read the romans text 5:1: “’Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.’ We are justified by believing, trusting in Him, and in all His promises to us. We have peace”.

It is important to understand the breadth and depth of faith in Jesus: “A brief word about justification: to be justified means that God has declared you righteous, righteous, pure, perfect, acceptable, admissible. Yes, He did. As? It is not me! No! This is the Gospel by faith. Faith in Jesus Christ”.

“The foundation, purchaser, provider of all that He promises through the blood. I believe in Jesus, and when I believe I am united with Jesus and what He was and is for me. God bestows His integrity upon me, His sacrifice, as if they were mine. Through that act, despite all my sins, God is my friend”, conceptualized the pastor.

Peace with God was highlighted by Piper as the greatest turning point a human being could wish for: “Take a deep breath: if God is your friend, if all the wrath that God had against you and against your sin is in the past, the only thing that He wishes for you is your good – Which is true; God never does anything for the justified but good things; even when he disciplines us, even in blood.”

At the end, another biblical quotation about the greatness of God’s love for his children: “Hebrews 12 is for our holiness and our good. That’s the difference when Jesus Christ comes into the world, dies for our sins, provides perfection, we believe. We believe! We trust in Him. And God says: you are justified. Peace!” concluded Pastor John Piper.

The sermon excerpt was shared by the ministry Let’s go back to the Gospel on his YouTube channel:

#Piper #Christian #peace #God

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