“Model and Media Anchor Natalie Dadon kicked out of Tel Aviv Cafe for Right-Wing Participation and Legal Reform Advocacy: Cafe Owner Refuses Service, Sparks Controversy”

by time news

Natalie Dadon, a model and media anchor, was asked to leave a cafe in Tel Aviv due to her involvement in a right-wing demonstration and statements supporting legal reform. Dadon posted a video on Instagram showing the cafe owner refusing to sell her coffee, stating that he had the right to choose his customers. She expressed her disappointment and humiliation in experiencing such discrimination because of her opinions. Dadon also described how the cafe owner closed the door on her and her friends as they were leaving.

Dadon had participated in a right-wing demonstration in front of the Supreme Court where she expressed her love for Israel and asserted the importance of preserving Jewish values. She criticized the minority that refuses to accept election results and tries to dictate democracy.

Overall, the incident at the cafe highlights the issue of discrimination based on political beliefs and the importance of respecting diverse opinions and values.

The model and media anchor Natalie Dadon was kicked out of a cafe in Tel Aviv today, in light of her participation in the right-wing demonstration last weekend and her statements in favor of legal reform.

In a post she uploaded to her Instagram page, Dadon showed a video in which a cafe owner is seen telling her that he is not interested in selling her coffee, even though this is against the law. According to him, the business is his, and he has the right to choose who to serve and who not.

“Where else will we go?! Where?”, Dadon wrote in the text that accompanied the video. “I never thought I would experience such humiliation in my life. Certainly not because of my opinions.”

Dadon described how the seller called her a “flower” in front of everyone and closed the door of the cafe in her face leaving her and her friends outside. “What will become of us? What? To hurt and humiliate a person like that in public, why?! “I don’t know what I want more, to break a wall, cry, scream or just throw up!” Dadon finished.

It is not possible for them to cancel our values

On Thursday, as mentioned, Dadon participated in the right-wing demonstration in front of the Supreme Court and said: “You don’t understand how excited I am to be here. This is the Land of Israel that I love, that I connect with with all my soul,” she said at the beginning of her remarks. We came here to say out loud: that’s it. It is not possible that our voices will not be heard, it is not possible for them to cancel our values.”

“It is not possible that in a country where a majority is elected, the minority will not accept the election results and will try to preach to us what democracy is,” she added. “We are here to establish the fact that the State of Israel is the state of the Jewish people, to establish the values ​​of Judaism that we grew up with even when we lived in all corners of the world.”

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