The Antidiabetic Sponge. | Science Podcast

by time news

2021-12-06 13:09:47

In March 2002, he reported some interesting discoveries about the antidiabetic effects of a substance discovered in a species of sponge from the Pacific Ocean. At that time he had the following here.

What new knowledge has been acquired on this matter in the last 20 years? Well, some discoveries made are very interesting. First of all, it has been confirmed that alpha-GalCer is a substance capable of binding and stimulating a receptor molecule for it on the surface of cells. NKT. These cells are a very interesting type of cells of the immune system. They have characteristics of T lymphocytes, but they also have characteristics of a type of cell of the innate immune system, called Natural Killer cells, or NK. These cells are essential for antitumor and antiviral defense, detecting and killing cells suspected of having become tumor enemies, or that have been subverted to serve as a reproductive factory for a virus.

However, the cells NKT they are neither T lymphocytes nor NK cells. With their receptors they do not detect sick or transformed cells, like these two previous types of cells, but rather they detect certain substances captured by our own cells, but which come from foreign organisms, such as those produced by some parasites. To this group of substances belongs alpha-GalCer. This detection stimulates the activation of certain genes of these cells that produce immunomodulatory substances, that is, they activate or stop the activity of other immune cells, such as the T and B lymphocytes themselves.

Although the immunomodulatory activity of Alpha-GalCer in mice was discovered very soon NOD, of which I spoke before, this substance has attracted attention above all as a modulator of the antitumoral action of the immune system. Its antidiabetic effects have therefore not been well studied, but several experimental animal models have been developed, and more than thirty clinical trials have been carried out in cancer patients, to study its antitumor activity as the main component of various therapeutic strategies. None of the clinical trials have given good results.

However, research on the effects of Alpha-GalCer has not stopped for this. So far in 2021 alone, 55 scientific articles have been published on the direct or indirect effects of this substance in different situations. Scientists know that, though not always, success often awaits the tenacious. For this reason, new strategies are still being investigated to administer alpha-GalCer in adequate doses and forms to better stimulate cells. NKT so that they develop their full antitumor potential. Although this substance alone may not cure cancer, even when administered under optimal conditions, it is possible that, in combination with other antitumor immunotherapy strategies, alpha-GalCer may provide beneficial and safe antitumor effects.

(Jorge Laborda 12/06/2021)

Works by Jorge Laborda.

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Kilo of Science Volume IV. Jorge Laborda
Kilo of Science Volume V. Jorge Laborda
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