The National Gathering relocates its 1st May to Le Havre

by time news

2023-05-01 08:34:38

The far right is relocating its May Day. The National Rally (RN), party of Marine Le Pen, expects around 1,400 of its activists, Monday, in Le Havre (Seine-Maritime). Finished the traditional raout of the party to the flame in front of a Parisian statue of Joan of Arc. Now it’s time for a “nation’s day” turned towards “social peace”.

“It’s a social choice in the current context”explained an RN executive, also arguing “big scores” obtained during the legislative elections of last year by the Frontist candidates in several constituencies of the department, land hitherto not very promising for the party. “What we are playing is the people against Macron”he continued, against a background of latent challenge to the pension reform, which the RN opposed without however participating in the processions.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers The municipal elections are already agitating the National Rally

Marine Le Pen, who is due to end the day after a speech by the new party president, Jordan Bardella, hears “to take stock of the project of deconstruction, dispossession and expropriation of Emmanuel Macron”she explained in an interview published on Sunday in Le Parisien-Today in France. Castigating the executive, the MP for Pas-de-Calais again felt that there was only “three possible ways out in a crisis: the dissolution of the Assembly, the referendum or the resignation of the President”.

“We are in Le Havre at home”

In Le Havre, a working-class city with a strong union culture, the RN banquet will be challenged by a counter-demonstration organized by several associations, as well as by the Le Havre rapper Médine. It will be held at a good distance from the Lepenist meeting, scheduled for Carré des docks, where the mayor of the city, a certain Edouard Philippe, launched his Horizons party eighteen months ago.

A warning, while several voting intention polls for the next presidential election nominate Mme Le Pen and Mr. Philippe as qualified for the second round? “It’s a wink that amuses me”, admits the number two of the party, Sébastien Chenu. In an interview with the regional daily Paris-Normandy published on Sunday, Jordan Bardella has meanwhile expressed his ambition “to have an RN mayor in Le Havre in 2026”throwing : “We are in Le Havre at home. » ” But of course… “replied ironically the former prime minister on Twitter.

The meeting of May 1st must above all launch the pre-campaign of the European elections, which will be held in a year, for which Mr. Bardella – probable future head of the list – has entrusted the direction of the campaign to the deputy Alexandre Loubet. “We are eagerly awaiting the ballot: it will be a referendum for or against Macron”stamps a party figure, who predicts “a warning shot”.

Still on the far right, the Les Patriotes party, led by Florian Philippot, will parade on the Place du Trocadéro in Paris on Monday afternoon.

The World with AFP

#National #Gathering #relocates #1st #Havre

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