the separatists win the territorial elections

by time news

2023-05-01 11:27:18

Favorites in the second round of territorial elections in French Polynesia, the separatists won on Sunday April 30 and will benefit for the first time from a stable majority to govern the overseas community, in the heart of the South Pacific.

According to the provisional results of the High Commission relayed by Polynésie La 1re, the Tavini party of former president Oscar Temaru won 44.3% of the vote, against 38.5% for the list led by outgoing autonomist president Edouard Fritch. Former autonomist vice-president Nuihau Laurey won 17.2% of the vote. Oscar Temaru’s list was in a strong position before the second round, due to benefit from a large part of the vote transfers from the eliminated parties, which all campaigned against the outgoing president, close to the majority of Emmanuel Macron.

“Polynesians voted for changeacted on Twitter Gérald Darmanin, Minister of the Interior for Overseas France. The Government takes note of this democratic choice. We will work with the newly elected majority with commitment and rigor, to continue to improve the daily lives of our fellow Polynesian citizens. »

Edouard Fritch and the outgoing government paid the price for his government’s poor communication during the Covid-19 epidemic. Despite a rather positive economic balance sheet, the high inflation suffered by Polynesia in 2022 (8.5%) is also attributed to it by part of the opinion, because it introduced a new VAT to preserve local social security. .

Community with broad autonomy

The local authority benefits from a large degree of autonomy within the French Republic. The assembly of French Polynesia, made up of 57 members elected for five years by direct universal suffrage, will have to elect the president of the community in mid-May, in a vote by secret ballot. This president will form his own government with executive functions.

The independence deputy Moetai Brotherson, winner of the territorial elections in French Polynesia, on August 2, 2017 at the National Assembly, in Paris.

Overthrown by alliances and misalliances between 2004 and 2013, the separatists have never held power for a full term since the party was created in 1977. But this time, the winning list obtains a majority bonus of 19 seats out of 57 and will therefore have a solid majority during the five-year term.

At 78, Oscar Temaru, former president of French Polynesia, has retained the top of the list and the presidency of his party. Tired, however, he said little during the campaign, giving way to Moetai Brotherson, deputy candidate for the presidency of the territory, and to the young guard of the party, such as the deputies Tematai Le Gayic and Steve Chailloux.

The World with AFP

#separatists #win #territorial #elections

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