call for the promotion of the teaching profession – acpcongo

by time news

2023-04-30 20:07:02

Kinshasa, 30 avril 2023 (ACP).- A call for the promotion of the teaching profession was launched on Sunday in Kinshasa by the supervising minister, to contribute to improving the quality of education provided to students in the Democratic Republic of Congo, learned the ACP from the said ministry.

“We must continue the work with self-sacrifice, with love and determination, in order to contribute, relentlessly, to the enhancement of the teaching function and to the improvement of the quality of the teaching provided to our students, the future of Congo”, Minister Tony Mwaba said in his message on National Education Day celebrated on April 30 every year.

He, on this occasion, expressed all his thoughts to the students, parents and teachers who are plagued, far from their places of residence, learning and work, in the East of the DRC, with the harmful consequences of the barbaric aggression imposed by Rwanda via the M23 terrorist movement.

Mr. Mwaba also turned the same thoughts to the students, parents and teachers of the Mwanga High School in Kolwezi, Lualaba province, who were exposed to the tragedy of a fire which to date has killed student Glody Ntanga.

He also paid a vibrant tribute to the Head of State Félix Tshisekedi, for whom the education and training of Congolese children constitute a priority and permanent concern, and ” are thus at the heart of all its actions ».

Achievements to the credit of the government

“We have been able to credit the Government with many achievements”, underlined Minister Tony Mwaba, while citing the most important: the abolition of all school fees paid by the parents of pupils at the primary level, in particular school fees, school report fees, student identification fees as well as the costs of participation in the National Primary School Leaving Examination, for both public and private establishments.

He also cited the support to date, by the Public Treasury, of 266,220 “new unit” teachers (NU) and the staff of the management offices, as well as the number of paid teachers, which increased from 410,254 to 676,454.

The average salary of a teacher, he said, increased from 159,662.67 FC to 367,023.00 FC, with a readjustment of the operating costs of primary schools which led to an increase from 45,000 FC to 200,000 FC for schools with 1 to 11 classes, an increase of 344%; to 420,190 FC for schools with 12 to 18 classes, an increase of 834%; to 620,190 FC for schools with 19 classes or more, an increase of 1,278%; and 2,450,000 FC for prestigious schools, an increase of 5,344%.

In the area of ​​medical care for teachers and their dependents, he pointed out that his ministry has not only established the Teachers’ Health Mutual Fund (MESP) in new provinces (Kasaï, Kasaï Oriental and Tshopo) but has also increased its envelope which went from 1,300,278,952 FC to 1,871,923,253 FC, an increase of about 571,644,301 FC which represents 44% of the growth rate.

The number of pupils increases from 16,809,413 in 2018 to 22,282,278 in 2022

The Minister of EPST has indicated that the number of students in the DRC has increased from 16,809,413 in 2018 to 22,282,278 in 2022, i.e. five million more children who have returned to school.

This exponential increase in students, he said, has increased the number of paid schools from 41,739 in 2018 to 64,889 in 2022, an increase of 55 percent.

He recalled the construction of 1,035 schools, in addition to those built with the contribution of private individuals including the First Lady of the Republic, Denise Nyakeru Tshisekedi in the commune of Kisenso in Kinshasa, in particular the nursery school, the primary school and the Institute “Grace”.

The Minister also recalled that he had launched the campaign “Not a school without a bench” with a distribution of desk benches in the educational provinces of the DRC, and also the project to build 150 schools from the commune of Maluku in Kinshasa.

Kwango: presentation of the achievements of the provincial directorate of the EPST

View of the parade of students and teachers in front of the Kenge tribune

In the town of Kenge, capital of Kwango province, students and their teachers also marched to commemorate this national education day.

Opportunity for the provincial management of the EPST Kwango1 to present at the end of the parade, the various achievements in this sector for the benefit of the daughters and sons of the land.

« As far as we are concerned, we responsible for the EPST Kwango1, during the first, second and third trimester of this school year, carried out on the orders of the Minister of EPST, several activities, among other things, the training of staff on the update of the payroll, the identification of primary schools throughout the educational province, the training of executives and agents of the antennas ”, revealed the provincial director of EPST Kwango1, Oscar Ndindi Mamba.

« I would like to salute the sense of bravery, sacrifice and abnegation that the educational partners feel as teachers to brave the waves of despair and discouragement which, time and again, pull them down. “, indicated the representative of the provincial governor, Dr Didier Tsikisa.

In Bukanga-Lonzo-sector, Kenge territory, the teachers were called upon to love their profession to give the best of themselves in the supervision of children despite certain difficulties.

« If we are what we are today, it is thanks to the teacher. We must all campaign to promote education, but above all to love this noble profession that everyone has chosen because without love, nothing can be done. We must raise the level of the child because education is at a discount today “, recommended the provincial deputy Mathilde Muzinga Mbweni, who attended this festivity.

She urged them to avoid envy, if not to be proud of this noble and fundamental profession for the future and the future of the children of the whole country and that of the province of Kwango in particular.

South Kivu: free primary education hailed by teachers in Uvira

A view of students and officials

The materialization of free primary education advocated by the Head of State, in accordance with article 43 of the constitution, was welcomed on Saturday in Uvira in South Kivu by the teachers of this entity.

“We salute the determination of the President of the Republic, Félix Antoine Tshisekedi Tshilombo, who, through his good will, has realized that the future of the DRC can only move forward by keeping an eye on the sector. education. Among its flagship measures are free primary education and the improvement of the social conditions of teachers,” signified the deputy mayor of the city of Uvira, Kifara Kapenda Kik’y, representing the impeded urban authority, at the celebration of the national education day.

“Celebrating Education Day for us teachers is a way of recognizing and honoring our noble and beautiful profession as educators and I am very proud of it”, declared for his part the inter-union president of the teachers’ unions of South Kivu2, Jean-Pierre Irenge Batachoka.

He also called on the Congolese government to upgrade the education sector because, he explained, being a teacher goes beyond a title and a position. According to him, being a teacher is the product of the choice of a way of life which is assumed by the daily work of teaching and learning.

For the Union of Career Teachers’ (SEC), ” teachers had to parade on this date their dedicated in recognition of the efforts made on a daily basis, to transmit knowledge to our children, but also to praise the efforts of the authorities of the Republic for the implementation of free education public sector primary said its representative in Walungu territory, Ahadi Bulonde.

« We take this opportunity to challenge the government to put an end to the issue of unpaid teachers “, he added in an interview with the press during a parade of students and their teachers.

« However, some still remain to be done, in particular the insertion of the new units in the payroll system, the deletion of the salary zones and the payment of all the levels still pending. Thus, the government will have to honor its commitments in accordance with the prescriptions of Mbwela lodje ,” stressed Mr. Bulonde.

Tshopo: EPST staff called to sacrifice themselves for the interests of children

In the province of Tshopo, the provincial minister in charge of EPST, Georges Lomaliza Monde, called on teachers and all EPST staff to make more sacrifices in the interest of Congolese children. It was during the commemorative activities of the day of education in the DRC, at the esplanade of the post office of Kisangani.

« A spirit of sacrifice on the part of operators in the education sector, will guarantee the future of the Democratic Republic of Congo “, he said, welcoming the vision of the Head of State on the effectiveness of free education.

The educational province of EPST Tshopo 1 organized on the sidelines of this celebration, open days through three (3) schools in Kisangani, a mass of thanksgiving at the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Very Holy Rosary of Kisangani and a great parade which closed the day of education in the DRC.


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