The Council of Agriculture announced the draft amendment to the “Animal Protection Law”, prohibiting night market vendors from exchanging gifts in the name of games, entertainment, gambling, etc., including games of fishing for goldfish and turtles. Violators can be fined up to 250,000 yuan, causing stall Due to business rebound and public discussion, the Council of Agriculture urgently changed its words tonight (1st) to avoid affecting people’s livelihood. This time, it will first control mammals such as rabbits and guinea pigs. However, Lin Zhenyu, a member of Taipei City Councilor of the People’s Party, posted on Facebook, “Human life is not worth anything?”, saying that the Council of Agriculture initially proposed to amend the Animal Protection Law and prohibit night markets from fishing for goldfish. She agreed with this and raised her hands. Agree, “What about… drunk driving?”.

Lin Zhenyu pointed out that in the current regulations, drunk driving is an administrative penalty; when the alcohol test value reaches 0.15 mg, the fine for a motorcycle is 15,000 to 90,000 yuan, and the fine for driving a car is 30,000 to 120,000 yuan, and the driver’s license must be suspended for 1 to 4 yuan. Years or even revoked driver’s license; Drunk driving repeat offenders second motorcycle fine 90,000, car fined 120,000. Those who exceed 2 times will be fined 90,000 yuan each time, and their driver’s license must be revoked! As for refusal to test for drunk driving, the fine will start at 180,000 yuan, and for repeat offenders, an additional fine of 180,000 yuan will be imposed for each refusal, and the driver’s license will also be revoked! Regarding the punishment under the current law, Lin Zhenyu said helplessly, “I am really speechless…”.

Netizens also left messages expressing their agreement. Netizens said, “Human life is worth less than goldfish”, “If you have to be fined, you have to be locked up, so that people who love drunk driving will be afraid”, “Legislators don’t set up stalls in night markets to catch goldfish, but they Knowing how to drive under the influence of alcohol.” Zhubei citizen representative You Yating also left a message to echo, “I’m speechless. Zhubei Tiankeng will be fined “30,000 yuan”, and night market fishing for goldfish will be fined “250,000 yuan”.”