Hebrew News – One in six suffers from depression: here are some natural ways to improve the situation

by time news

2023-05-02 02:04:20

One in six suffers from depression: here are some natural ways to improve the situation

Depression is a common disease worldwide, with many people suffering from it at least once in their lifetime. The good news is that the phenomenon and its symptoms can be improved through proper nutrition and an adapted lifestyle

Recently, a study was published that reviewed the studies carried out so far on the topic of depression, and came to the conclusion that the studies carried out so far do not support the conclusion that depression is caused by low levels or reduced activity of the substance serotonin on which the drugs to treat depression are based. The research has sparked many debates among the medical community, and the question arises, do we have ways to prevent and treat depression without drugs? It turns out that by changing our diet and lifestyle we can improve our mood. So what is recommended to do in order to reduce the risk of depression?

Be sure to eat a nutritious diet. How do you do it? Make sure you get enough calories and nutrients from the food you eat. The way to do this is by eating real foods at every meal: vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, meat, fish, chicken and healthy cooking oils.

Avoid foods that promote inflammation. These are processed and industrial foods rich in sugar, omega-6 fatty acids, processed grains, chemicals, and preservatives. The way to avoid these foods is to eat natural foods that do not contain various additives. If you cook your food at home you will know exactly what you are putting in your mouth.

Support your gut bacteria. You can do this by eating foods that are rich in probiotics (beneficial bacteria) such as sauerkraut and kimchi. And by eating foods rich in prebiotics (nutrients for gut bacteria) such as a variety of fiber-rich vegetables and fruits, and starchy root vegetables.

Make sure you sleep well. sleep Poor is closely related to depression. That is why it is important that you give top priority to sleep: aim to sleep at least 7-9 hours every night. 5. Be sure to exercise. Exercise Improves both brain function and mood. Try to do 30 minutes of physical activity every day. It is important that you avoid overtraining, because overtraining can damage brain function.

Pay attention to your exposure to light. If you are not exposed to enough natural light and, in contrast, are exposed to too much artificial light during the day, this can affect your mood. Therefore, try to go outside as much as possible during the day. On the other hand, try to reduce your exposure to light during the hours of darkness and try to avoid exposure to screens before going to bed.

Make sure you manage your stress well. Try to use stress-reducing techniques like meditation, yoga, or deep breathing every day. 8. Prioritize your social life. Invest in your relationships with your friends, adopt a pet that you can pet and have fun with, and in addition, you can volunteer for different organizations or join different communities to increase your sense of belonging and sense of purpose.

Bring a game into your life. Free games without a frame can help a lot in treating depression. Examples of free play are playing with your dog, playing with your children, dancing, listening to music or drawing.

Avoid toxic substances that can damage your brain function. For example: if you have mold at home, you need to treat it with the help of a professional, because the mold releases toxic substances that can damage brain function. Also pay attention to your cosmetics and cleaning products: in many cases they contain toxic substances that can damage brain function. Try to switch to natural cleaning agents and cosmetic products that do not contain toxic substances. ֿ

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