Water is life, wealth and food

by time news

2023-05-01 12:39:49

It does not rain: so far this hydrological year we have had 24% less rain than the average for the century. These data refer to the average for the country, because if we go deeper into Autonomous Communities or regions, these figures can be much more severe.

Water is essential for life and we are only concerned when it is scarce. When this happens, the alarm sounds and the guilty are sought. And, of late, a common culprit is irrigated agriculture. In Spain there are reservoirs in service from the 15th century and the Segovia Aqueduct stopped being used 50 years ago, nineteen centuries after it was built, and working perfectly.

Water management is a complex problem that requires long-term planning and ambition to guarantee all uses, even in scenarios that are probably more adverse than the current ones.

Having said this, if we reflect on the evolution of Spain we would realize that we are 47.6 million people, seven million more than in 2000 (+14.6%), when we had a reservoir capacity of 53,168 cubic hectometres. Today said capacity is 56,108 hectometres (+5.5%), so it is not evolving at the rate of the population.

On the other hand, irrigated agriculture is doing its homework very well. Currently, 20% more hectares are irrigated than at the beginning of the century with water, in many cases non-potable, which would have no other use and thus returns to the natural cycle. 77% of these hectares have efficient irrigation systems, drop by drop in almost half, and the consumption of water for irrigation has been reduced by 21.8%, according to the Survey on the use of water in the agricultural sector of the INE . And it will keep going down.

And that allows us to enjoy a variety and quality of food that is one of our great wealth, that benefits us all and that generates a high percentage of rural activity. Therefore, it must be guaranteed. Let’s keep this in mind when updating our Hydrological Plans.

Javier Sanmartín is a professor at EAE Business School

#Water #life #wealth #food

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