“Underactive Thyroid Linked to Elevated Risk of Dementia According to Recent Study: Recommendations for Those with Thyroid Disease to Check Hormone Levels Regularly by Fulda Newspaper Counselor Laura Knops”

by time news

2023-05-02 02:19:55

  1. Fulda newspaper
  2. counselor


Von: Laura Knops

An underactive thyroid could increase the risk of developing dementia later in life – this is the conclusion of researchers in a recent study.

An underactive thyroid increases the risk of a heart attack or depression. Dementia is also possible. According to current studies, even a slight underfunction of the thyroid gland, also known as hypothyroidism, has an effect on memory. There seems to be a link between hypothyroidism and an increased risk of dementia later in life. as reported by 24vita.de. US researchers therefore advise people with thyroid disease to check their hormone levels regularly.

Hormone deficiency: Underactive thyroid could affect risk of dementia

The exact The triggers for dementia are still unclear. According to the Federal Ministry of Health, Alzheimer’s disease is the most common form of irreversible dementia, accounting for around 60 to 65 percent. Vascular dementias follow with about 20 to 30 percent.

For several years, however, researchers have been investigating whether a lack of certain hormones could be responsible for the disease. The influence of thyroid hormones on forgetfulness in old age may play an important role. In particular, the hormone thyrotropin (TSH) produced by the thyroid appears to be of great importance.

Decreased thyroid function, called hypothyroidism, slows metabolism and leads to weight gain. Another symptom is fatigue and sensitivity to cold. Increased thyroid activity, called hyperthyroidism, on the other hand, speeds up metabolism and often leads to weight loss. While the effects on body weight are often the most visible, do have an impact changes in thyroid function However, it also affects the brain – and especially the memory.

A lack of thyroid hormones such as thyrotropin (TSH) is said to promote dementia in older people. comes to this conclusion a recent study from Brown University. The results were published in the journal Neurology published by the American Academy of Neurology. The risk of developing dementia was in patients whose thyroid disease was a drug treatment with thyroid hormones required, even higher.

Forgetfulness due to thyroid problems: current study provides clues

To determine a connection between hypothyroidism and dementia, the researchers led by study leader Chien-Hsiang Weng examined the health records of 7,843 patients with newly diagnosed dementia and compared them with healthy people.

Interpret signs: only forgetfulness or already Alzheimer's?
What was the word again? Anyone who regularly has forgetful moments is often worried that Alzheimer’s disease is on the way. © Patrick Pleul/dpa-Zentralbild/dpa-tmn

The result: After accounting for other factors that might affect the risk of dementia, such as gender, age, high blood pressure and diabetes, the researchers found that people over the age of 65 with an underactive thyroid were 80 percent more likely to develop dementia was higher than in people of the same age without thyroid problems.

More information about the study Thyroid Disorders and Dementia Risk: A Nationwide Population-Based Case-Control Study

Release date: 16.August 2022

investigation period: 2006 bis 2013

Published in the journal Neurology

Scope: 7,843 Taiwanese citizens

study authors: International research team led by Daniel R. Wieland from the University of Arizona

Also in people taking medication for a hypothyroidism took, the risk of developing dementia was increased. In contrast, in people younger than 65 years of age, a history of hypothyroidism was not associated with an increased risk of dementia.

This article only contains general information on the respective health topic and is therefore not intended for self-diagnosis, treatment or medication. In no way does it replace a visit to the doctor. Unfortunately, our editors are not allowed to answer individual questions about clinical pictures.

#Hypothyroidism #appears #increase #dementia #risk

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