The need for a salary increase marks the demonstrations on May 1, less than a month before the elections

by time news

2023-05-01 22:58:01

This Monday may 1, Workers Day, is usually used in democratic countries for unions to express their demands against governments. In the case of Spain, the main unions; Workers’ Commissions and UGT have demonstrated to issue warnings to employers. The need for a salary increase and the Reduction of the working day They have focused the demands of the nearly 70 demonstrations that have taken place throughout the country. A date that, in addition, has been marked by the proximity of the municipal and regional elections next 28M.

In the Madrid demonstration, which has taken place between Gran Vía and Plaza de España, some 60,000 people have gathered, according to the organization, 10,000 according to the Government Delegation, in the streets to demand their rights. In this concentration Four ministers have participated: Yolanda Díaz, María Jesús Montero, Irene Montero and Alberto Garzón. All of them have charged against the benefits of companies.

Government joins unions to attack companies

In these manifestations of may 1, government joins unions to attack companies in negotiating agreements. For his part, UGT and Comisiones Obreras threaten a ‘hot autumn’ in the event that the salary increase that they demand But it would not be a protest against the government, but against the CEOE, in the middle of the electoral campaign.

The general secretary of UGTPepe Alvarez, and the secretary general of CCOOUnai Sordo, insisted at the end of the demonstration on this year’s motto: ‘Raise wages, lower prices, spread benefits’, and in the need for the employer to carry it out as soon as possible. The CCOO general secretary has raised the possibility of reaching a “general mobilization process that takes the form of a strike” in sectors with blocked collective agreements.

The reactions of the ministers and the different parties

“It is a day of joy, of hope, Today I call for workers throughout Spain to take to the streets, do it with joy. Today the workers and workers do not leave with pain as they did when the Popular Party governed, today they leave with a few more rights,” said Vice President Yolanda Díaz on this Labor Day.

For his part, he PP He considers that the government’s policies harm wage earners and the self-employed. “The best guarantee for employment is that Pedro Sánchez loses his”, expresses Cuca Gamarrawho regrets that his ministers demonstrate with the unions.

The obvious union connection with the government also works in the opposite direction, from the government to the unions. That is why today it has been possible to see the four ministers mentioned in the demonstration in Madrid and several more in other cities. They have been present in those marches to join the union demand: not against the government, but against the businessmen, just 27 days before the municipal and regional elections.

The ministers agree on the banner – “raise wages, lower prices, distribute benefits” – and on the claim: “it is essential to raise wages”says Yolanda Díaz, in such a way that they demand that the employers be “up to the task” and facilitate an agreement because “with salaries of 1500 euros per month you cannot live with dignity”. They reproach businessmen for not reflecting in salaries what they consider to be extraordinary profits in a context of inflation, for Irene Montero “such unpresentable benefits”, “abusive” for Alberto Garzón. While María Jesús Montero considers “good” that “those benefits are socialized.”

They believe that the government has done its part., but according to the opposition, they are part of the problem. In addition, Ciudadanos criticizes the servility of the majority unions: “the representativeness threshold should be lowered from 10 to 3 percent,” says the spokeswoman, Patricia Guasp, while Vox warns of consequences if it comes to power: “when we give them a government without fear is going to take away the subsidies”.

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