by time news

2023-05-01 13:07:05

Antonio Aguirre Medina/Guayaquil

[email protected]

From this column I have always addressed the plurinational avivato indigenous representative of the Mariateguista minorities Leonidas Iza as CACIQUE, time is giving me the reason when his same Pachakutik colleagues refer to this false value as a “CACIQUE” that represents their own interests.

Between formal and thinking beings it is not normal and worse moral to support whoever harasses you and those you represent, what is more, the harassment of Correismo was by word and deed, for men, women, sympathizers and leaders of Pachakutik.

Today the Cacique is attacked by his own co-idearies and people, who try by all possible means to subjugate them like Correa to his sheep Correista, of course everything in this life is not free and they will try to collect the bill from the most dispossessed of our UNITARY, INDIVISIBLE AND FREE ECUADOR OF PROGRESSIVE SOCIALISM

It is time for the government to define itself and materialize its last offer of a frontal and devastating attack against the insurgents, Socialists, Progressives and Inclusive, wherever they come from, sponsored and financed by the narco-guerrilla TERRORISTS who are trying to take over the entire country.

President Guillermo Lasso, wake up from your lethargy, act firmly and decisively, sign the decree of total combat against TERRORISM that the entire country, except the narco-terrorists, will thank you for.


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