Mister Pfizer, Albert Bourla, is the person of the year for the Economy on newsstands for free on Monday – time.news

by time news

Albert Bourla, CEO of Pfizer, the second person of the year 2021 the Economy on newsstands tomorrow for free with Corriere della Sera. The jury of journalists and economic commentators of our newspaper awarded the head of the company who has given hope to the world attacked by the pandemic, thanks to vaccines. A completely different choice from that of Time e Financial Times who awarded the title to Elon Mask. On the podium de The Economy second place Christine Lagarde (president of the European Central Bank) and third Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, director general of the WTO (World Trade Organization).

Who will be the protagonists of next year? Italy itself will be the protagonist of its future. And not a trivial fact as he points out Ferruccio de Bortoli in his usual analysis of Monday. The certificates of esteem towards our country for the results obtained in the emergency testify to the ability to adapt. GDP grew by 6% and public debt increased less than expected. We cannot, however, sit on our laurels, remembers de Bortoli, when the great opportunity of low interest rates ends (probably soon) we will be back in trouble. Unless we make the most of the still open space to improve the system. Also focusing on the resilience of companies. The deficit at the end of the year will be 8.4%. It is difficult to get it back by listening to all unjustifiable requests for subsidies.

The section dedicated to companies is full of stories, starting with the one narrated by Kunze-Concewitz: the Campari CEO explains the containment strategies (price increases on the track from May ’22) and the horizon that pushes towards consolidation. The expected revenues are over 2 billion, the room for growth of net margins. The rush of the North American markets (Aperol + 50%), the nodes of logistics and inflation. M&A – explains Kunze – will come from the need to better control the distribution channel. Affiliates account for 96% of sales. Instead Asunta Enrile, at the helm of Ikea in Italy, says: We are opening a design studio for spaces and web orders in Milan. Agreement signed with Poste for deliveries on the territory. Sales up 11.6%, from the network now a fifth of revenues.

Little angels and fashion

Thun changes skin, which has become Lenet group. From the South Tyrolean company famous for its cherubs, a holding was born that brings together realities from porcelain to gifts, to the luxury marketplace for pets. In the plans, revenues up by 100 million by 2024 and the Elite program for a possible listing on the Stock Exchange. At the Scervino in Florence they think of Asia and the USA. CEO Toni Scervino: Twenty boutiques in China by 2023. Revenue target of 80 million.

How to invest in 2022

In the Assets section, the guide on how to invest in the year of interest rates. Twenty years after the entry of the euro into the pockets of Italians and Europeans, a season is opening where inflation will be the central variable on the markets. Tech stocks have gained over 500% since 2002

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