WolframAlpha solves any calculation you can think of – Science or Fiction

by time news

2023-05-02 06:30:00

Tuesday May 2, 2023 and today I want to talk to you as you have seen in the title of Wolfram Alfa and

What is Wolfram Alpha? Well Wolfram Alfa is a web page although it also has an application,

a web page of resources that allow you to calculate very interesting things that not only have to do

with numbers and you enter the website, I leave it in the episode notes is

[email protected]. You will see several sections such as mathematics, science

and technology, society and culture, everyday life and there are many more topics and what

funny this is that it is a super vitamin calculator but as of

supervitaminada because for example if we enter physics it gives us some examples

about what we can do with it and I will read you some because they are very interesting. Tickets will

They give it to you in English but hey, I’ll read them to you in Spanish. centripetal acceleration, 30 miles

per hour at 500 ft. You put that on it and it already gives you what you are looking for. Or for example,

Another topic that I really like is optics, well, you can put an F20 lens on it.

feet or here in the example they put feet and the O which is the distance of the object is 400 feet and from

Suddenly, it tells you that the result between the image and the entity is 6,417 meters and it puts the

equation the equation of the spherical dioctyl that I counted the other day just that easy

with a quite natural language but the thing does not stay much less there are things of music and it

you can put scale things and it puts them on you and you talk about them and the intervals and what

you can think of, whatever you can think of and there is entertainment and there is also good what is pure mathematics

and it gives you the steps, step by step if you want to go very step by step, which is the best

be useful for a student, well, yes, they might make you go through the cash register, but for

look for a calculation a marvel or things also more than I do not know what is the population of Spain

Well, you tell him and you write it down, you put it at the entrance and he tells you, but how funny it is

you can divide you can put directly even if they are English area of ​​Spain divided by area of

United States and it will give you the relationship and you are putting it in plain text you are not

Deciding you are not first calculating a thing and then putting yourself directly, well, you do it

and he gives you things about geology and you put what the Jurassic period is, well he will tell you,

you put the Jurassic period, it tells you the time range, here it says from 201.3 million to

145.5 million years ago, between 201 and 55.8 million years old, which is

happens to you, you put it and you usually always surprise. Or in terms of health you can say “walk 45

minutes at 5 km/h and does the caloric calculation for you” or you can also say “growth chart

of a 10-year-old girl”. What you do is put on a graph of for months and then also

of the height and gives you the percentiles and marks the years that you have put. It’s amazing.

whatever you throw at it, that is, see if this is comfortable and useful. Of entertainment aside

You also have movies for music, so you can put “Who won in the best faces?”

actress?” in 1984, you can put a movie on it, it could be “Rival”, which we published yesterday in

science or fiction You have seen how I play the wedge, or “I already have a practice, an experience”.

Well, the fact is that if you want to have the technical sheet, you can find it in many

but if you have Wolframmaffa very close at hand, then write to rival and put the film on, because it’s going to

find many things, because it will still make you the analysis of where the word comes from

arrival, the fact is that if you put it as a movie, well, it will tell you who said it when it was published

the searches that were made, according to the years to see where the search peaks were in

Well, those are search engines or if you want to put movies starring or in which it appears

“Carry Fischer” from Star Wars, I mean, all those kinds of things are also amazing and what else

they are interesting, what else, what else. I already tell you, here I am looking for things so that it comes out more

than usual. The mathematical part is super powerful but I think that those are more obvious and that are better for you.

I drop one more part, I don’t know, interesting, like a little different because this has been going on for a while.

a lot of years before this AI thing started and stuff.

You can ask questions about the economy, about people, how to be leaders

world, you can ask him things about, I don’t know, earthquakes, things that happen,

things for example, what else, what else.

From dates and calendars there are many things to see time zones, to see

calendars or that weave a calendar of a specific year or recurring events that can

search or dates of birth like this in general people born on such a day of such a year or when he died

such person. The graphic representation is of what you can think of or of formulas that you can enter

also statistics, well, statistics and whatever comes to your mind and even more so the

average, the kurtosis of I don’t know what intervals, fit signals, exponential, cubic,

I know how to create a random variable or calculate the probability of something happening, my goodness,

no one has what you can think of. When it comes to day-to-day things in astronomy, ask him which one

Is it going to be the next eclipse or the stars that are going to be seen tonight or how can you find

the pole star or the phase that will be on such a day of the moon, calculate the speed of sound

in the air according to the temperature or the escape velocity of a planet according to the radius and the

gravity and mass. There were also a lot of things about animals that I can ask about the

taxonomy, I’m going to ask about the half-life of any animal that occurs to you, come on.

Related to optics and rains and nature, I remember that there is a way to see the calculation

How tall will the rainbow be, what shape will it have, how big will it be,

Well, according to the height at which the sun is and sewn like this, the ones that, well, could be

all day talking about calculating how far you have to

we have to get on it to see an object that is on the horizon at such a distance because it is also

it will take into account the curvature of the earth. Anyway, I think what he wanted with this was

wake up the bug a bit so that you enter the web page and touch yourself and see the examples

and you will begin to put your own and see how, because it is surprising, it is surprising what

that it is capable of doing, of all this before it arrived, as I said before, the intelligences

artificial, and it is a very useful pass as a tool for the day to day for a student

or for someone who is carrying out a specific task in one of these areas, of which

there are many, but hey, as a curiosity and as a way to start discovering something,

have a question about something, the time that has passed between two dates or whatever occurs to you.

So, as I say, I encourage you to enter, to click on one of those areas that can be

interesting for you, either for a hobby or for a more professional part and that you see the examples

that puts you, that you put some of your own and you will see how immediately you see the usefulness that it has

so big. And a little more for today, to have fun, to play with this tool, if you knew it

Now, I hope you can tell me about some of the most curious things you’ve done with it

and if not, to play as I have told you with her. And as I say, nothing more, have a great time

Tuesday, greetings and see you tomorrow.


#WolframAlpha #solves #calculation #Science #Fiction

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