First casino license issued in Kyrgyzstan, 84 million soms paid for it

by time news

2023-05-02 13:58:38

The Gosfinnadzor reported that Grand Casino LLC bought a license to operate a casino. This is the first known case of issuing a license to operate a casino after the adoption of a law allowing gambling activities in the country.

It is reported that “Grand Casino” bought a license for 84 million soms, which have already been received by the budget.

Po data Ministry of Justice, LLC with a private form of ownership was registered in 12 microdistrict on November 14, 2022. The main activity is the provision of services by other places of residence. The head and founder of the company is a certain Adilet Abdymanapov.

The ban on casino activities in Kyrgyzstan was in effect from January 1, 2012 until the summer of 2022. Then it was noted that the presence of casinos and slot machines in the country “negatively” affects the moral and mental state of people who are fond of gambling.

However, on June 30, 2022, President Sadyr Japarov signed law allowing casino activities in Kyrgyzstan. Earlier it with scandal accepted in parliament, and in several cities of the country passed rallies against casinos.

The authorities claim that the goal of the law is to “attract additional resources to the state budget by creating favorable conditions for attracting investment.”

By law, citizens of Kyrgyzstan and foreigners under the age of 21 cannot be casino customers. Opponents of the document are skeptical about this and say that the authorities will not be able to enforce the law.

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