The First Lady receives the widow of former Dictator Buyoya –

by time news

2023-05-02 14:50:58

First Lady Ndayubaha Angéline receives former First Lady Mrs. Ntaraka Sophie, widow of dictator Muhima Buyoya Pierre

Bujumbura, 30/04/2023 – The Barundi are a people of theUbuntu. In accordance with the presidency, on Sunday, in a relaxed atmosphere, with a spirit borrowed from ubuntu, HE Ndayubaha Angéline, First Lady of Burundi, bearer of a very good heart – umutima mwiza – has received Mrs. Sophie [1], widow, wife of former Burundian muhima dictator, Buyoya Pierre. Dictator Buyoya was a being with a very bad heart – umutima mubi -. Having been responsible for over 3.2 million Barundi victims (including the assassination of the hero HE Ndadaye Melchior, President of Burundi) between 1988 and 2003 in Burundi out of a population of over 5 million. During this courteous visit, Ms. Ntaraka Sophie was accompanied by her family.
At the end of the 1960s, the young muhima Buyoya Pierre, originally from Bururi, was quickly integrated to the Burundian network of France, that of the French Jacques Foccart, responsible for the Genocide Regicide of Burundi (with the USA, the Vatican, and Belgium), having claimed at that time (between 1959 and 1972-73) more than 1.5 million Barundi victims out of a then population of 3 million. At the end of the 1980s, Buyoya became President of Burundi…

[1] The Council of Ministers met in ordinary session on Wednesday August 24, 2022, in its deliberation room at the Koulouba Palace, under the chairmanship of Colonel Assimi GOITA, President of the Transition, Head of State. The draft decree adopted thus grants Malian nationality by way of naturalization to the following persons: – Mrs. Sophie NTARAKA, of Burundian nationality; … Etc.

bdi burundubujumbura 03 30042023 angelin I appreciate it and respect it

bdi burundu bubumba 02 30042023 angelin I appreciate it and respect it

bdi burundu jumbura 01 30042023 angeline I appreciate it and respect it

Sources : Nahimana P. , Tuesday 2 May 2023 | Photo: I respect Angeline

#Lady #receives #widow #Dictator #Buyoya

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