“We are united by a common heritage, interests and outlook on the future” – Kurier Wileński

by time news

2023-05-02 19:36:29

Prime Minister, your visits to Lithuania are often associated with symbolic dates, such as September 17 or May 2-3. How did it happen that the history that divided Poles and Lithuanians throughout the 20th century can now bring them together? Is it just a common sense of threat, or is it a conscious effort by both nations to transcend stereotypes?

Common threats always favor cooperation, but Poland and Lithuania have been trying to build good relations for a long time. Our common history is full of moments of glory and success. Of course, there are contentious issues that need to be discussed, but they should not define our future. The fact that we are able to cooperate despite differences is proof of the political maturity of our countries. Mature relations between Poland and Lithuania are the key to the security and development not only of our countries, but also of the entire region.

During the inauguration of TVP Vilnius on September 17, 2019, you expressed your belief that thanks to the station, “Polish-Lithuanian relations will be even better, Polish culture in Lithuania will flourish, and a joint fight for the interests of Poland and Lithuania, in Brussels and in Washington, and everywhere else in the world, will be reinforced by a good Polish-Lithuanian message”. In your opinion, does TVP Wilno meet the hopes placed in this station?

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TVP Vilnius is a message addressed to all Poles in Lithuania. And this message is: you are not alone, you remember Poland and Poland remembers you. TVP Wilno broadcasts 24 hours a day and is received in Lithuania, Poland and the USA. It is probably the most important Polish medium in Lithuania today and actually makes the Polish voice heard more and more clearly. This voice encourages not only Poles in Lithuania, but brings our point of view closer to Lithuanians themselves. I am convinced that this is only the beginning of the development of the station.

On May 2, a new wing of the Polish Cultural Center in Vilnius will be opened, which also houses a new TVP studio. What are the station’s further development plans?

TVP Vilnius is developing at an extraordinary pace. Four years ago, it was just a two-hour show. Today it is television operating 24/7, reaching 20 percent. inhabitants of Lithuania. I hope that TVP Wilno will maintain this pace of development and will soon become a medium that will cover all the Baltic countries. Polish culture is needed not only by Poles living in Lithuania or Latvia, but I believe that it may also be of interest to Lithuanians and Latvians themselves. Nowadays, a reliable, attractive and modern source of information is worth its weight in gold.

Are TVP stations planned in other places outside Poland?

The growing viewership of TVP Vilnius shows how important strong public media are becoming at a time when Russian imperialism has once again reminded itself of itself. Already now in many countries outside of Poland – e.g. in Ukraine, Slovakia and Estonia – you can watch TVP World. Radio Free Europe used to be the voice of freedom in our region. Today, Telewizja Polska has a chance to become it. It is no longer just a matter of culture or entertainment, but a defense against Russian propaganda and disinformation.

The main purpose of Mateusz Morawiecki’s visit to Vilnius will be, above all, the opening of a new wing of the House of Polish Culture. Thanks to the new part, it will be able to serve the support of the Polish minority even better. The opening will be made by the prime ministers of Poland and Lithuania.

In May 2021, the Prime Ministers of Poland and Lithuania, Mateusz Morawiecki and Ingrida Šimonytė, signed the foundation act for the new investment. The project was implemented by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland, which signed an agreement with the involved partners, i.e. the “Wspólnota Polska” Association, the “House of Polish Culture in Vilnius” Charity and Charity Foundation, and Polish Television.

Read more: Morawiecki in Kiev on the anniversary of the war. Met with Zelensky

Very often, both Polish and Lithuanian politicians say that currently Polish-Lithuanian relations are as good as never before. At the same time, many issues regarding the Polish national minority in Lithuania remain unresolved, as exemplified by the current situation of Polish schools in the Trakai region. Why, despite such good Polish-Lithuanian relations, it has not been possible to ensure effective protection of the rights of Poles in Lithuania to this day?

Both Poland and Lithuania found themselves in a situation of imminent threat due to the war in Ukraine. Currently, both our countries focus primarily on ensuring the security of their citizens and our part of Europe. At the moment, this is the most urgent matter for Poles in the country, in Lithuania, as well as for Lithuanians. This does not mean that we disregard contentious issues. And although many matters cannot be dealt with overnight, each of my visits to Lithuania is a step towards securing the rights of Poles. We will remind our position until the contentious matters are settled in a manner that fully respects the rights of Poles in Lithuania.

Will issues concerning the Polish national minority be addressed by you during your next visit to Lithuania? Which of them do you consider the most important?

During meetings with the Lithuanian authorities, we always talk about the situation of Poles. However, the main purpose of this visit will be, above all, the opening of a new wing of the House of Polish Culture. Thanks to the new part, it will be able to serve the support of the Polish minority even better. It is worth adding that – as emphasized by Mr. Artur Ludkowski, director of DKP – the house is open to all residents of Vilnius.

A gift from the Polish nation to the Lithuanian nation is also the Hospice of Bl. Michał Sopoćko, led by Sr. Michaela Rak, an exceptional person. I know that these activities are appreciated by Lithuanians, which undoubtedly brings our nations closer.

Mateusz Morawiecki: During long and arduous negotiations at European summits, where all EU leaders gather, Lithuania is very close to Poland. Many times I could count on Lithuanian support for the Polish position.

During your last visit to the US, you said: “Poland is ready to assume the role of a regional leader and the role of a security provider in the region.” What does this declaration mean for Lithuania?

No one becomes a leader by self-declaration or someone else’s indication. Poland has a natural predisposition for this role. We are the largest country on the eastern flank, with the greatest military and economic potential. We are intensively modernizing and developing our armed forces. Already this year, we intend to spend up to 4% of GDP on defence. GDP. This puts us at the forefront of NATO countries.

First of all, we focus on better cooperation in the field of defence, the possibility of a faster reaction to threats within NATO. Not only Lithuania, but the entire eastern flank of NATO will benefit from a strong Polish army. Already in July, Vilnius will host the NATO summit. In the face of the Russian attack on Ukraine, this summit takes on gigantic importance. This is the time to show not only the allied unity so far, but above all courage in deterring Russia. Prior to the North Atlantic Treaty, important decisions regarding, among others, defense spending and the future of the eastern flank. This time with the participation of a new member of the alliance – Finland. It’s great that Lithuania will be the host.

Security issues after the start of the Russian aggression against Ukraine undoubtedly come to the fore. How do you see Polish-Lithuanian cooperation after the end of the war? What do our countries have in common, apart from the threat from Russia, and what do Poland and Lithuania have to offer each other now?

The issue of security today cannot be separated from other areas, but our cooperation did not begin and does not end with defense issues. We are connected by advanced joint energy, transport and economic projects. We want mutual investment and trade to grow. Polski Orlen owns the refinery in Mažeikiai, which plays an important role in ensuring Lithuania’s energy security.

We are also natural allies in the effective implementation of cohesion policy. If the EU is to develop, our region must catch up with it in terms of efficient transport, ICT and energy infrastructure. Together, we can not only catch up, but even overtake the so-called the old Union.

Finally, let me also make a more personal point regarding cooperation with Lithuania in the European Council. In the course of long and arduous negotiations at European summits, where all EU leaders gather, Lithuania is very close to Poland. Many times I could count on Lithuanian support for the Polish position. Many times I could say with satisfaction that Vilnius and Warsaw play to the same goal. For me, this is the best proof that we share not only a common heritage, but also common interests and a vision for the future.

Read more: Morawiecki: Europe without Ukraine will no longer be Europe

photo. Marian Paluszkiewicz

Interview published in the magazine “Kurier Wileński” No. 17(49) 29/04/-05/05/2023

#united #common #heritage #interests #outlook #future #Kurier #Wileński

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