Joana Sanz gets fed up and tells the whole truth about her current relationship with Dani Alves: “Keep clinging…”

by time news

2023-05-03 08:52:27

Dani Alves, a former Barcelona Football Club player, has been in prison since January 20 accused of allegedly raping a young woman in a Barcelona nightclub. The Brazilian continues to live a hard time since his entry into prison, although he is hopeful that he will be able to get out after his last statement in which he insisted that “relations were consensual and there was mutual sexual tension” and the videos provided by his legal team and that are being analyzed by the magistrate.

And in the meantime, he continues with his complicated divorce from Joana Sanz. A few days ago it was pointed out that the fact that the procedures have not been started was due to a defense strategy to strengthen the theory of rooting and even that the Canary Islands could have accepted an agreement in exchange for money. That is to say, an economic pact to delay her divorce in which the investigation is resolved to help the one who is still her husband. It was not the first time that she spoke of the existence of a pact and this same theory was already hinted at at the beginning of the Brazilian’s imprisonment when the model left Spain fed up with media pressure. Then sources close to the couple assured that the model would have reached an agreement with the footballer’s lawyers. Until the trial is held and a sentence is handed down, Joana Sanz would have to maintain her forms. The lawyers who work in the defense of Alves would have recommended that she have this attitude so that it does not splash them more and harm the criminal situation of the soccer player.

However, the Canary Islander was quick to deny it on social networks, revealing that “there is no agreement” and explaining that Dani Alves “is refusing and that complicates everything”. Shortly after, the news broke that the model would have been forced to leave the couple’s home due to the demands of the Footballer’s environment. “If she did not sign a confidentiality agreement, she had to leave the house,” she reported on the Telecinco program Fiesta.

“I talk to him every day”

After After this accumulation of speculation, the model decided to open up with Leticia Requejo in ‘El programa de AR’ about how her new life is going and the reasons that delay the divorce proceedings with Dani Alves.

He is not making it easy for her as he continues to declare his love to the four winds: “He’s still in love with me,” he explains. “It is not true that I am not going to give him a divorce. I do not want to go bad but he loves me and he is clinging to me. It is not that he is not going to give me a divorce”, assures about the fact that the process to put an end to their marriage is being delayed. And if that was not enough, Joana confirms that they continue to maintain a relationship on a daily basis: “I talk to him every day from prison. He is still assimilating what is happening.”

In addition, the Canarian model has also wanted to clarify that no one has kicked her out of the house where she lived with Dani Alves in Barcelona. “There is no eviction. Dani’s house in Barcelona is still my house,” she explains. Joana Sanz has clarified that she is immersed in her move to Madrid but that the reason is purely professional. “I have a very strong contract. I’m not running away from anything or anyone,” she says.

Some words that he has also reiterated on social networks through his Instagram stories. “Nobody is throwing me out of any place. It would be more, come on. I have no problem with anyone. I get along great with everyone in this life. Thank God I can say it with my mouth full. I am a very easy and very light person I eat for this nonsense. I’m leaving because I want to,” he begins by saying. A message that curiously records not only in Spanish, but also in Brazilian, perhaps so that the footballer’s family arrives with whom the model has no relationship and from which she has received numerous attacks.

“I want to start my life from scratch, in another place. I have a project on my hands that makes me incredibly excited, which I will tell you about, apart from other professional projects that, thank God, life smiles at me at work,” he continues explaining. . In addition, she wanted to clarify that no one is helping her pay the rent for her new house: “I have taken my apartment by myself to live alone. My friends already know that they are very invited but I am not going to anyone’s house, nor is anyone paying me anything It would be missing more. Luckily I am very determined and I don’t need anything from anyone”, has sentenced.

However, beyond a new work adventure, The “Fiesta” program ensures that the “culprit” of her change of residence would be a businessman from Madrid, with whom she has been seen walking through the streets of the city.

#Joana #Sanz #fed #tells #truth #current #relationship #Dani #Alves #clinging..

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