“Each house has its rules”

by time news

2023-05-03 11:39:01

The mess continues Félix Bolaños attended the Dos de Mayo events in Madrid. One day after the Day of the Community of Madrid was celebrated, the president of Madrid Isabel Diaz Ayuso He has thrown a dart at the Minister of the Presidency, accusing him of going to the event held in Sol to “provoke” and to try to “bust” the celebration.

“We kindly told Mr. Bolaños that he was not invited. It was, in my opinion, as a provocation“, Ayuso has expressed about what happened in an interview on Cadena Ser. “Bolaños came to provoke, I insist. He was looking to crash this event and create a bad atmosphere. We had warned him days ago.”

Ayuso criticizes that Bolaños wanted to “preside over” the act

Ayuso defends that Bolaños, with his attitude, tried to “preside” a day that belongs to the Madrid government. “It is not a day for ministers, It is a day for the Government of the Community of Madrid“said the regional president.

“Each house has its rules. The Government is not a master key that opens all the rooms in a hotel”

“Each house has its rules and, above all, it is that we are accepting as normal that the presence of a minister is mandatory because the Government decides so,” Ayuso said before warning that the autonomies are “counterweights”: “Not everything is the governmentand not everything is Sánchez”.

Regarding the central government, he has also remarked that “this is not a master key that opens all the rooms in a hotel. I am the government and I do what I want everywhere, as Mr. Bolaños said yesterday. Well, no. “.

I wasn’t “even invited”

The president of the Community of Madrid has stressed that Bolaños was not invited, but rather attended the event “as a companion” of the Defense Minister, Margarita Robles. In fact, the regional leader only explains the presence of the minister, knowing that he was not invited, as a way to “bust this event and create a bad atmosphere.”

“When one goes to a house and is invited, listens to the house”

In relation to this invitation and the presence of Robles, Ayuso explained that, while the minister asked to “go” to the act of Dos de Mayo, Bolaños addressed the Protocol of the Community of Madrid “taking it for granted” that he was going “to preside over the event.” At which point the regional government explained to him that he was “not even invited”.

“It is as if right now I decide that the Government of the Community of Madrid, because we feel like it, presents itself at an act of the Móstoles City Council and decide how it should be because we are the Government of the Community of Madrid (… ) Perhaps we were not invited at that time. When one goes to a house and is invited, one listens to the house”.

moments of tension

The protocol service of the Community of Madrid prevented this Tuesday the Minister of the Presidency, Félix Bolaños, from accessing the tribune of authorities during the institutional acts that took place in Madrid on the occasion of Dos de Mayo. Said platform was chaired by the president of the Community of Madrid, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, and in it were, among other politicians, the Minister of Defense, Margarita Robles, and the leader of the PP and the head of the opposition, Alberto Núñez Feijoo .

At the beginning of the act there was the cold greeting between Ayuso and Bolaños. A slight handshake after which the Madrid president briefly asked “Minister, how are you?” The act continued with total normality in the Real Casa de Correos.

Bolaños was sitting in the front row while Ayuso gave his speech, but, with the parade of the representatives who were present, the great moment of tension of the act arrived: Bolaños tried to go up to the rostrum, accompanied by the rest of the high political officials, but the members of the Madrid Protocol prevented the passage of the Government representative so that he could contemplate from an honorary position the usual civic-military parade after the act.

“On the progress, under no circumstances, because here we have a perfectly established organization“, the head of protocol of the Community of Madrid, Alejandra Blázquez, told both Bolaños and his companions at the moment in which he prevented the minister from passing, as heard in a recording released by Europa Press.

When asked for explanations, the chief of protocol stated that “institutional representation is perfectly established” and that it was in charge of “a minister”, referring to Margarita Robles.

What does Royal Decree 2099/83 say?

The question of the non-invitation of Bolaños is, precisely, the justification that the Madrid president has given for not apply Royal Decree 2099/83 on the general arrangement of precedence in Spain, a decree that regulates that the ministers must take precedence over the head of the opposition, but that, at the same time, leaves the way free for the official act to take place according to “tradition or custom” of the place .

In this way, Royal Decree 2099/83 not only states that the acts will be presided over by the organizing authority, but also indicates that “official acts of a general nature organized by the Autonomous Communities or by the Local Administration, the precedence will be determined primarily , in accordance with the provisions of this Ordinance, by its own regulations and, where appropriate, by the tradition or inveterate custom of the place.

After being asked if she would criticize this same situation -preventing the access of a minister to an institutional act- if it happened in Catalonia, Ayuso has expressed that the regional governments “have legitimacy” to make the invitations they deem appropriate, so the Government “cannot impose things”.

For their part, Executive sources have denounced that “the Community of Madrid breaches Royal Decree 2099/1983in which the General Order of Precedence in the State is approved”.

#house #rules

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