A recognition for the 100 most outstanding personalities of science and technology | The Konex 2023 Awards were announced

by time news

2023-05-04 00:04:32

Within the framework of the Konex 2023 Awards, the 100 figures who stood out during the last decade in the field of Science and Technology were known. The award ceremony will be on September 12 at Ciudad Cultura Konex, and those scientists whose contributions were fundamental in more than twenty disciplines between 2013 and 2022 will obtain their diploma of merit. As an exception, specialists who played a role leading role during the coronavirus pandemic.

Award-winning researchers include mathematician Alicia Dickenstein, physicists Gabriel Mindlin and María Teresa Dova, ecologist Sandra Díaz, paleontologists Fernando Novas and Diego Pol, biochemists Gabriel Rabinovich and Daniela Hozbor, doctor Pedro Cahn, virologist Andrea Gamarnik, and climate experts and climate change Celeste Saulo and Carolina Veraamong others.

The jury, made up of twenty leading men and women in the field, is chaired by the renowned Conicet molecular biologist, Alberto Kornbliht. On this occasion, the personalities were designated in quintets that correspond to mathematics, physics and astronomy; physical chemistry and inorganic chemistry; organic chemistry; earth and atmospheric sciences; paleontology; ecology and environmental sciences; biochemistry and molecular and cell biology; microbiology and immunology; basic biomedical sciences; internal Medicine; surgery; public health; biotechnology; nanosciences and analytical chemistry; technological development; agricultural and food sciences; engineering, energy and sustainability; information science and artificial intelligence.

In a later instance, the jury will select the personality that has “the most significant trajectory” in each discipline and will award the Platinum Konex. Of those twenty Platinum Konex, the Brilliant Konex will finally be chosen, that is, the highest award given by the Foundation. This 2023 edition is number 44 and the 5th occasion in which the activity of Science and Technology is recognized. To consider the importance of the Konex, personalities such as Luis Federico Leloir (1983), René Favaloro and César Milstein (1993), Luis Caffarelli and Mirta Roses (2003) and Alberto Kornblihtt and Juan Martín Maldacena (2013) received the diamond. ).

The pandemic and a special recognition

There was also, exceptionally, a category no. 21 baptized “Covid pandemic” in which the doctor Fernando Polack (responsible for the clinical trials of the Pfizer vaccine in Argentina), Jorge Aliaga (a physicist who contributed all his experience to help understand the evolution of viral circulation), Elsa Baumeister (a national benchmark for the Malbrán Institute), Juliana Cassataro (Conicet and Unsam scientist in charge of the Arvac Cecilia Grierson vaccine), Humberto Debat (INTA virologist) and Jorge Geffner (immunologist who made great contributions in the manufacture of the first viral detection tests) .

Special mentions were also made to three institutions: Anlis-Malbrán, the Center for Technological, Business and Social Innovation and Y-TEC, the technology-based company resulting from the joint work of YPF and Conicet. Likewise, there was room for special mentions for career (Juan José Cazzulo and Juan Carlos Parodi were recognized) and Konex of Honor to “outstanding personalities who died in the last decade” (Eduardo Charreau and Christiane Dosne Pasqualini were distinguished).

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